Chapter 4

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One year later

I stand at attention as the Grand Inquisitor enters the training room, his black robes billowing behind him. I have been training with him for a year, but he still looked at me with the same cold disdain. I don't know why he hates me so much. It could be that my father is Darth Vader or just because he uses the Dark Side and all that, but I feel like there's something else, some deeper anger that I don't know about.

"You," he says, his voice dripping with contempt. "We have a mission. You and I will be traveling to Tatooine to hunt for a Jedi with Third Sister and Fifth Brother."

My heart sinks. Another mission, another chance to prove myself, or to fail miserably. But I hadn't expected to be sent on a mission with the Grand Inquisitor himself. I know from experience he is powerful and ruthless, and I'm still just a ten-year-old girl who barely knew how to use a lightsaber, even with my training...if you can call it that.

"What... what are we looking for?" I ask, my voice trembling.

"That is none of your concern," he replies, his eyes narrowing. "Just do as you're told, and don't make any mistakes. We leave at once."

I nodded, feeling a sense of dread wash over me. I have no idea what awaits us on Tatooine, or why the Grand Inquisitor is so obsessed with finding this Jedi. If it was a normal Jedi, the Grand Inquisitor wouldn't be going.


The ship leaves hyperspace an hour later. I follow the Grand Inquisitor into the Inquisitors' ship. Fifth Brother and Third Sister board a moment later. The ship takes off and we arrow down toward a remote town on the desert planet.


The crowd seperates, clearing a path for us as the Inquisitors land their ship. I stand behind the three Inquisitors. My clothes aren't like theirs. While they're all wearing cool-looking black armor, I have a simple black tunic, covered by two stripes of black leather. My leggings are black and my hair is pulled into a bun at the back of my head. I keep my eyes on the ground. I wish I could've stayed back at the ship, but I'm supposed to get some hands-on experience. Great. We pause, letting the city folk get a good look at us. The remaining people in the road flee. The Grand Inquisitor starts walking, and the three of us follow. The people on the side of the road back away, averting their eyes. At the end of the block, a cantina is open to the road. The Grand Inquisitor leads the way into it, stalking up to the bartender. "You know who we are." He says.

"Inquisitors." The bartender says, his voice quivering.

"You know what we do?" The Grand Inquisitor asks.

"You hunt Jedi." The Bartender says. I have to admit, this man is brave. Well, brave, stupid, or lacking knowledge. If I were him, I'd be out the door and around the block right now.

"In actuality, I would say the Jedi hunt themselves." The Grand Inquisitor says. There's a moment of silence. I shift uncomfortably. "Do you know the key to hunting Jedi, friend?" The Grand Inquisitor asks, stepping forward. "It is patience." The Grand Inquisitor moves to pace. "Jedi cannot help what they are. Their compassion leaves a trail. For example, in our work, rumors run rampant. Here's one I heard just recently. It involves a Jedi hiding here, in your lovely saloon." I scan each person's face. No one is at ease. "Let's say ours is a wanderer. Maybe he's looking for people like him. Comes across this establishment. Nice place. And then," The Grand Inquisitor walks up to the bartender, "He sees you. A man in need. Perhaps the locals are stealing from you. Threatening you. So what is the Jedi to do? Help you and risk exposure? Or move on? Now if he were smart, he'd keep moving, but the Jedi Code is like an itch. He cannot help it." The Grand Inquisitor's voice gets louder as he gets closer to the end of the story. He paces to the edge of the cantina, facing away from the bartender. "So he steps in and saves your saloon." The Grand Inquisitor whips around to face the bartender again from across the room. "You offer him a place to hide. Fresh water, shade from the suns, but the stories, they being, and they travel quickly. His compassion has been his undoing." I see the Third Sister, a young woman named Reva, pick up a knife and hurl it at the bartender. The crowd gasps. The knife stops inches from the man's face. She looks around and points to a young man with curly brown hair and black tattoos on his chin. He jumps up and starts running. He ducks under the Fifth Brother's legs, only to be cut off by Third Sister, who has her lightsaber ignited. I have mine out at well, ignited, but not pointed at anyone. The Fifth Brother advances. "Prepare him for interrogation." The Grand Inquisitor says.

"You're wasting your time. You know that, right? You'll never find us all." The Jedi says. Reva swings her lightsaber at him and slowly burns his shoulder. The Grand Inquisitor moves her aside and the man flees. On his way out, he pulls down a bit of the awning, making it just a little harder to chase him. The crowd murmurs. Fifth Brother hurries outside, following the Jedi. I stay behind. I'm supposed to shadow the Grand Inquisitor. He approaches the Third Sister.

"You are reckless." He chastises.

"Why chase after scraps?" Third Sister asks.

"Scraps are all we have left." The Grand Inquisitor says.

"Then we should be hunting bigger prey." She counters.

"He is not yours to find. We are past this, Third Sister. I will not warn you again. You will forget this fixation with Kenobi or I will relieve you of your duties. Is that clear?" Third sister doesn't answer for a moment.

"Yes, Grand Inquisitor." She finally says. Without another word, the Grand Inquisitor starts walking away. I follow, casting a glance back at Reva. I have a feeling this isn't going to go well.

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