Chapter 29

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A few days pass before the next huge thing. And the next huge thing isn't actually a huge thing for anyone except me. But exactly a fortnight after Kallus found out that the Lothal rebels have a Jedi, the Grand Inquisitor arrives on the scene. 

Of course, no one told me this, so I'm just wandering around the Star Destroyer looking for my holopad (I managed to misplace it again) and stumbled into the hanger bay he arrived in. Our eyes meet and I scramble out. It's been nearly four years since I saw him last, and that's way less than I wanted. I would've been happy if I never saw him again. I sprint back to my room and lock the door. And by lock I mean push literally everything than can be moved in front of the door so no one can get in without me knowing. My room doesn't actually have a lock. I grab my holodisk off the floor and contact my father. Right before I press the button to call him, I hesitate.  What if Father was the one that sent him here? What if complaining gets me into trouble? I'm not supposed to be afraid. I clench my hand around the holodisk.

The holodisk starts to beep and I reluctantly release it. Whoops. I guess I can't really go back now. Father's masked face appears and try to cover my uncertainty. "Hi, Father. I, uh, I was just... uh... how are you?" I cringe inside. I'm pretty sure Father is rolling his eyes or smiling or... actually, I have no idea.

Father is silent for a moment before he answers. "I'm well. Are you alright?" I bite my lip and nod. He doesn't believe me. "What's wrong?" I shake my head and flash a fake small smile.

"It's probably nothing. I'm just being over dramatic. Sorry, I shouldn't have bugged you with th—"

"Luea," Father says, cutting me off. "What's wrong?" I hesitate again. "You can tell me, my daughter," he assures me.

I glance at my door, still barricaded. "The Grand Inquisitor is here. I just— I don't—" I look at my feet and shrug. "I guess I'm still a little bit scared of him," I admit softly.

Father is silent for a second. "It would be unnatural if you weren't. But remember that you're much stronger now than you were. You know you are worth much more than he thinks. You're my daughter, and you know it." I nod, giving him a real smile this time. "Do you want to leave? No one will have to know why," he offers. I shake my head no.

"I think I like it here. It..." I trail off, not sure how to tell him. Lothal reminds of where I grew up, before the Empire. I don't really have many memories of it (I can barely remember anything before about a month before Father rescued me from the Grand Inquisitor) but I know it was similar. "I like the nature," I finish weakly. "Plus," I add, this time more sure of myself, "if I leave, that'll prove to the Grand Inquisitor I'm still scared of him. I won't give him that satisfaction. And you're right; I am stronger. So if I leave, I can't kick his ass."

"Language," Father says and I stifle a small laugh. "I think you're right. But if it becomes too much, call me and I'll come get you. Don't be afraid to call me with anything, okay?" I nod, then crack a smirk.

"Well, now that you mention it... my lightsaber isn't working. I already changed the batteries and everything!" I giggle and I'm pretty sure Father is smiling under his mask. Lightsabers don't even use batteries. "Oh, and also I have a really hard homework assignment. Could you help me with that?" I crack up and nearly drop my holodisk.

"Good-bye, Luea," he says.

"Bye, Father."

Before we disconnect I'm pretty sure I hear him muttering something about teenagers.

I wander into the commissary at about 0830  the next morning. Before I can get anything to eat, the Grand Inquisitor materializes (I could've sworn he wasn't anywhere near) and demands to see me in his office. I glance at the food—unappetizing gray ration bars—and grab one before following.

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