Chapter 8

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Third Sister sets a course for Daiyu, claiming Kenobi will be there. As soon as we land in the rough city, she takes off without any warning or permission. As soon as the ship is fully landed, we set out after her.

I try to stick as close as I can to the Grand Inquisitor without stepping on his cape or anything. I don't like this city. I have a feeling that if I get lost I'll never find my way back. But that could also help. My head snaps up. This city is hiding so many things, I doubt an Imperial runaway would make much difference. And maybe I could board a ship and get out of here. This place is probably a no-questions-asked place. I look around, starting to make a plan.

We find Third Sister outside a spice company. The Grand Inquisitor storms up to her, with the Fifth Brother and Fourth Sister following. I follow the Grand Inquisitor perfectly in sync. "You would kidnap an Imperial Senator's child?" The Grand Inquisitor demands. Wait, she did what?

"We've done worse." Reva says. It's true.

"You have no right." The Fifth Brother growls.

"I found a link between him and Organa in the archives. I used the girl as bait." Reva explains. So she kidnapped Senator Organa's daughter? What was her name? I don't know.

"And you did this without informing me?" The Grand Inquisitor asks.

"You left me no choice." Reva says.

"She thinks she will gain favor by capturing Kenobi." Fifth Brother says. Reva shifts.

"Whatever power you are craving, it will not change what you are." The Grand Inquisitor says.

"And what is that?" Reva asks.

"The least of us. You came to us from the gutter. Your ability gave you station, but...all the power in the world can't mask the stench beneath." The Grand Inquisitor says.

"Maybe that stench is your failure." Reva says. I suck in a breath. I would never dare to speak like that to the Grand Inquisitor.

"Secure the city. I will take Kenobi in myself. You are no longer required, Sister." The Grand Inquisitor says.

"I brought Kenobi here." Reva says.

"Stand down." The Grand Inquisitor orders. "You will be dealt with when we return." He turns and stalks away. I jump out of the way, then follow. "Make sure the port is shut down. I want a garrison here within the hour. And remember, this is no ordinary Jedi. Kenobi is the last ember of a dying age. Extinguish him."

"Consider it done." Fifth Brother says. He stalks off, shouting orders at stormtroopers.

"Um..." I squeak. The Grand Inquisitor turns to glare at me. I duck my head. "Why is Kenobi not an ordinary Jedi?" I ask quietly.

"He was a member of the Jedi Council." The Grand Inquisitor answers shortly. The Fourth Sister comes up, dragging a bounty hunter with her.

"There's something you should see, Grand Inquisitor." She says. She holds up the bounty hunter's wrist and a blue image of Kenobi pops up. His name, written in Basic, is on the edge of the picture. The Grand Inquisitor sighs, his expressionless face giving nothing away.

"Reva." He growls. Oh, he's mad. I'm just glad that isn't directed at me this once.

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