Chapter 14

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I follow Father over a few hills. At one point we catch a glimpse of Obi-Wan, but Father doesn't engage. Hmm. Maybe he wants to be dramatic. I think Father has a flare for that. Sure enough, we stop once we're ahead of Obi-Wan. We wait for five minutes, and when he gets close, Father ignites his red lightsaber. Obi-Wan just runs to the left, out of sight. And we start a wild goose chase. A wild Obi-Wan chase.

"You cannot run, Obi-Wan." Father says. A blue light indicates Obi-Wan has ignites the saber. It also gives away his position. Father meets him head on.

"What have you become?" Obi-Wan asks, sounding horrified and really, really sad.

"I am what you made me." Father replies, anger dripping from every word. Obi-Wan deactivates the lightsaber and runs again. I sigh, then clamp a hand over my mouth.

"Sorry." I whisper, my eyes widening.

We see Obi-Wan for the third time by the port. I look at the ships and wonder if Leia and Tala made it to the ship. This time Father attacks from behind. Obi-Wan manages to block. Obi-Wan ducks a blow, then parries a blow to the head. I can tell immediately that Father is going to win the fight. I don't think either of them would want me to join in, so I stay where I am. They move out of my sight, but I can still hear the clash of lightsabers. "The years have made you weak." Father says. They fight more, and the sound gets a bit fainter. "You should've killed me when you had the chance." Father says. I follow Father, trying to make it so I can at least hear them. Father knocks over a barrel of small rocks. He lifts Obi-Wan into the air, choking him. The lightsaber falls out of Obi-Wan's hands.

The rocks ignite into a huge fire on the sand. I take a step back and my foot crutches agains the sand. "Go help the Inquisitors." Father orders. I hesitate, glancing at Obi-Wan. I don't think there's anything I can do to help, but I don't want to leave. "Go!" Obi-Wan gives me a tiny, tiny nod, so small that i might be imagining it. But I take it and run the other way, back toward town.

But I can still hear Obi-Wan screaming.

I arrive back just in time to overhear two of the Inquisitors talking. "They lost him. He had help. We're to sweep the planet."

"Now we'll never find him." Fifth Brother growls. They walk off, but I've heard enough. Obi-Wan is alive and with the rebels.

Soon Father emerges from the dunes beyond the town. The city folk have all been rounded up, and they huddle together, murmuring quietly. Father walks over to where the Fourth Sister and Fifth Brother and I stand. "Luea," I look up, surprised to be addressed, and especially by my name, "were there any other sympathizers found?" I shake my head.

"No, Father. They're all just normal people, doing their work." I answer, my eyes on the ground.

"Good. Where is Third Sister?"

"I don't know, Father. I haven't seen her." I answer. Apparently Fifth Brother knows something, though, because he steps forward.

"She has captured the girl. Organa's daughter." I keep my expression the same, but my insides curl with dread. They captured Leia? Is there anything I can do to help her?

"Perhaps she knows where Obi-Wan is." Father says. "Third Sister will be in charge of interrogating her. Luea, You are to accompany her. Third Sister will be your new master."I nod. Does that mean that the Grand Inquisitor is really dead? Third Sister isn't kind-none of the Inquisitors are-but I don't think she's quite as violent as the Grand Inquisitor was.

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