Chapter 23

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We pull up outside a huge building. My jaw drops. The entrance is a gray A-frame, with the Imperial insignia stamped on the top. A few bushes line the entrance. Some kids about my age sit outside, eating and talking. They wear the same uniform I have on. I step out of the speeder. The school takes up the space of three normal building, with four stories. I'm not sure how far back it goes, but I'm sure it goes back pretty far. Lieutenant Rorak urges me toward the entrance. "We're getting you officially registered, then you'll be sitting in on the last two classes of the day. Tomorrow is your first full day." He explains. I nod. Lieutenant Rorak stops an older girl in the hall. She looks like she's, like, fifteen. Way older than me. He asks for directions to the headmistress's office. The girl smiles.

"I'll take you there. You're a new student?" I nod. "Welcome to AOTE. I'm Selene Krynn."

"Luea." Selene leads us up two flights of stairs. "How do you know your way around?" She laughs.

"It gets easier. Most of the professors aren't too strict about tardiness, as long as you're there as fast as possible." We turn left, then go up more stairs. Selene lets out a tired breath at the top. "You're not tired?"

"I'm athletic." I explain. I look behind us to see Lieutenant Rorak paused a few steps down, catching his breath. I stifle a giggle. Selene grins.

"The headmistress's office is just down here." We enter a large office that looks more like a lounge compared to the Imperial offices. There's a small couch, the walls are made that wood? The floor is carpeted and there's a window filling the room with soft, natural light. The woman sitting at the desk isn't the strict, uptight woman I'd expected. She looks to be in her late thirties, with curly red hair and blue eyes. She looks up from her datapad and gives us a soft smile.

"Are you Luea Naberrie?" She asks. I nod, even though Naberrie isn't my last name. I suppose going around with the last name Skywalker would raise a few eyebrows. "Welcome to AOTE. Selene, thank you for bringing her here. Take a Corellian Chew." Selene's face lights up and she grabs a small yellow candy from a bowl on the desk. "Lunch will be over in twenty minutes. Go ahead and enjoy your free time." Selene turns.

"I'll see you around, Luea." I nod and she leaves. I turn my gaze back to the headmistress.

"I'm Headmistress Vandril. I'm from Corellia, so I have some Corellian treats for my students." She gestures to the chairs before the desk. "Let's're from Naboo, correct?" I nod. I'm not, but no one knows what my home moon is, so I guess Father had to put down a random planet. "Your mother is Senator Padmé Amidala and your father is...classified?" I nod, shrugging.

"Sorry." Headmistress Vandril smiles.

"No worries. That happens at least once a year. I just have one question before I give you your classes. Whoever filled this out didn't say anything about previous academic experience. What school did you go to before this?"

"I was homeschooled." It's the simplest answer. I'm not supposed to tell anyone about my father or the Empire.

"Alright." She types for a second, then hands me a sheet of paper. "These are your classes. There's a copy on your school datapad, but this will do for today. After lunch, you'll be attending your third and fourth class." She goes on to explain how on the first day on the week, they have the first four classes, then the next day the last four. The cycle repeats for the next two days, but on the last day they have all classes, but they're short. I look down at my paper.

| Subject |
| ------- |
| Galactic history & geography: Professor Thalara Kryss, 234|
| Mathematics: Doctor Zoren Shylo, 321 |
| Galactic politics: Professor Kelvyn Roden, 137 |
| Protocol & diplomacy: Ambassador Mira Zayne, 401 |
| Physical education & aerial training: Commander Rhea Starfall, gymnasium |
| Alien languages: Professor Kellyn Kael, 432 |
| Podracing: Coach Ravo Tula, 426 |
| Advanced astromech repairs: Mechanic Jorin Drell, 3151 |

"Podracing and astromech repairs?" I ask.

"Your electives." Headmistress Vandril explains. Bells ring, signaling the end of lunch. I stand. "Welcome to AOTE, Luea Naberrie."

"I'll pick you up later." Lieutenant Rorak promises. I nod and follow him out of the room. I guess I'm going to room 137.

As soon as I enter the room, I can feel people staring at me. I ignore them. "Professor Roden?" I ask and the teacher looks up. He's older, probably mid-forties.

"You must be Luea Naberrie, our new student. Welcome to Galactic Politics. We're learning about the different ways planetary governments can work-all under the jurisdiction of the Empire, of course." I nod, then take a seat as the bell rings. I sit in the back, away from the sociable clump of people. "Good afternoon, class. You may have noticed our new student. Please welcome Luea Naberrie." I shrink inwardly as everyone turns to stare at me. On the outside I keep a small smile on my face. "Does anyone have any questions for Miss Naberrie?"

"Who are your parents?" A girl in the middle of the class asks. She's giving me an appraising look, like she's deciding now whether I'm cool or not.

"Um..." I trail off. I don't know what I'm allowed to tell them. I could make something up, but my story could fall at the slightest investigation. The girl rolls her eyes.

"Never mind. It doesn't matter." A few of the other kids snicker, but one sends me a sympathetic glance.

"Alright, then. Get out your datapads and we'll continue our lesson from yesterday." Professor Roden commands. I sit quietly in the back, just listening in. I have a feeling school is going to be...lonely. But it's not like I have time for friends anyway. I don't need any.

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