Chapter 11

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"Now, remember, if anyone asks, we're farmers from Tawl. You're my daughters, and you don't talk." Obi-Wan says. That shouldn't be too hard for me. I rarely talk now anyways.

"Like we can't talk, or we don't like to talk?" Leia asks.

"You don't talk." Obi-Wan says, clearing up nothing.

"Got it." Leia says. I look at her. I did not get what he meant. "We don't like to talk." She whispers.

"Okay. Thank you." I whisper.

"This is it." Obi-Wan says, stopping. He pockets the coordinates thing. "This is where he told us to come to." I look around. There's nothing and no one in sight.

"Maybe they're just late?" Leia suggests, not sounding sure.

"Maybe it was a lie. I knew it! I never should've trusted him." Obi-Wan says.

"We don't know if maybe-"

"No one is coming here, Leia." Obi-Wan snaps. We're silent for a second.

"Well, if we're on our own, we're gonna need some help." Leia says, walking forward to look around. I spot a truck coming at the same time she does. Leia starts waving at it.

"What are you doing?"Obi-Wan asks. I follow him, falling into sync.

"Maybe they can give us a ride to the spaceport." Leia says, moving toward the road. She starts to jog.

"But it's not safe." Obi-Wan protests.

"He seems friendly." Leia says. I look between her and Obi-Wan, then side with Leia. I can't help it.

"Leia." Obi-Wan says in a warning tone. "Well, keep your head down. And remember, you don't talk." The truck stops, and Leia runs up to it. I'm beside her. The guy in the driver's seat kind of looks like a human-sized mole. I'm not sure what species he is.

"Hi!" Leia says cheerfully. "I'm Luma. This is my friend-my father. This is my father, Orden, and my sister, Lira. We're farmers from Tawl." I give an unconvincing smile, then look at me feet. Obi-Wan comes up, looking less than happy about the situation.

"Hey there. I'm Freck." The mole-guy says. There's a silence, then Leia turns to Obi-Wan.

"Father, aren't you doing to say hello?" She asks. Obi-Wan looks at Freck and gives a small, nervous nod.


"We were going on a trip, and we got a little lost in this field." Leia says.

"That's a weird story." Freck says.

"We got a bit turned around. We're looking for the nearest port. We need to get home." Obi-Wan says.

"Well, I'm going that way. Hop in." Freck says.

"Oh, no, that's all right. Thank you. We just need directions." Obi-Wan says.

"Come on, Father, we've walked long enough." Leia says, moving around to the back. I shrug, trying to pull off a self-confident girl from Tawl.

"She's right. My feet hurt, and it gets us out of the sand." I say, following Leia. "Thanks, Freck."

"My pleasure. Hop in." He says. I hesitate for a second at the Imperial flag. I'm not sure if I will be going back, or what lies ahead of me if I do. But I hop in. "Don't worry. I'll get to the port in no time." Freck says. I sit beside Leia, and Obi-Wan sits on my other side. My arm is still full of spikes from that plant. I'd forgotten, until Leia frowns, looking at my arm. I guess one was poking her.

"Lu-Lira, your arm is full of spikes!" She exclaims. I shrug, but pull up my sleeve. Five or so cactus spikes are embedded in my arm. I pull them out, one at a time. It stings. One small hole begins to bleed. I put pressure on it for a few seconds, and it stops. I turn my arm, making sure there are no more spikes, and accidentally reveal a black burn on the underside of my arm. "What's that?" Leia asks, pointing at it. I shrug again.

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