Chapter 5: Old Memories, New Style

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"Ninja Art, Memory Vision Jutsu!"

"Naruto, I know what you're thinking, at least explain what they're about to see!" begged Kakashi, he was the one who taught Naruto this jutsu, so he knew what was coming.

"Fine. In a few moments, you will witness some memories, some through my eyes, others from a 3rd person view. Any pain I feel, you will feel as a sensation on the corresponding part of your body. In other words, when my arm breaks, your arm will go numb. Now that that has been said, let us begin" stated Naruto as he closed his eyes and focused on a string of memories.

-Konoha, 8 years ago, Naruto age 4-

Naruto was running through the streets, a literal mob chasing him. They were gaining on him, shouts of "Die demon!" and "Come back here, demon!" rang through the air. A volley of rocks and bottles came over his shoulders, though one rock had hit its mark. Said rock cracked Naruto in the back of the head, knocking him to the ground. The mob converged, kicking and punching the poor blonde, braking his malnourished bones and injuring his internal organs. Just like the beating had started it stopped as the crowd ran away. The last thing Naruto saw before he blacked out was an ANBU with gravity defying silver hair.

-Konoha, 7 years ago, Naruto age 5-

Naruto was once again running from a crowd, but it wasn't civilians this time, it was Ninja. Naruto never stood a chance, he was caught and pulled into an alleyway. He was propped up against the wall and had a kunai hammered into each shoulder, elbow and hand along with his knees to crucify him to the wall. He was then beaten until he blacked out.

-konoha, 6 years ago, Naruto age 6-

Naruto was tied up and had a bag over his head. He was being thrown into every object that was within range. His body had deep cuts and the bone of his upper right arm and lower left leg were jutting out of the skin at grotesque angles. Naruto couldn't see, but he could hear the man laughing. Then all of the sudden he heard what sounded like a bunch of birds chirping and a voice that could almost be felt, yell "Chidori!"

Naruto waited for his death, but it never came. He was shocked when the rope that had been tying him up was cut off the bag over his head was removed. He looked up to see who this person was, only to find the same silver haired ANBU that had saved him almost countless times standing over him. He knew he was safe and allowed the darkness to take him but not before heard the man speak "Fuck the council and the elders! I'm going to take care of you, Naruto, even if I have to kill them all to do it!"

-Grass country, year and a half ago, Naruto age eleven-

Naruto was running full speed toward a bandit camp. He knew he had to get his friend out, and he didn't care what it took to do it.

He has just found his friend and was sprinting back to base camp so the medics could heal him, he had been tortured. There were burns, cuts and literal holes covering his entire head. On his face there was two deep slashes that looked to have even cut the bone. He made it back to base camp and delivered his friend to the medic.

Naruto was now standing outside the bandit camp. He created about 50 shadow clones to surround the area to make sure no one escaped. Then, he charged in. All he saw was red, he knew the kyuubi was filling him to the max with his power, but Naruto didn't care. He was literally tearing through anything that got within his reach, some not even seeing their own death. Anyone who tried to escape was slaughtered by his clones, anyone dumb enough to try to attack him was torn to shreds. After about 7 minutes of pure slaughter, they were all dead, and Naruto collapsed.

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