Chapter 6: A New Life Awaits

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What's for dinner? I'm starved!" Stated Naruto as he walked in like he had just took on god himself.

"How was training? With the way you're moving I would say you were doing some sort of "Shadow" training?" asked Kakashi with a wink... Or does that count as a blink?

Naruto knew what his brother figure was doing, he was giving Naruto a way out of his teammate finding out about his training methods, because they would demand to use it and die in the process.

"Yep, but I was working on my other skills as well, mostly "My" taijutsu." he stated. Kakashi's eye widened, if Naruto was already working on that, it might be ready in time for the chunin exams. oh the money he was going to rake in at the chunin exams.

"You need any help? I'm no Gai, but I think I can help." Kakashi asked. He truly would like to see this style. If its anything like he had drawn up when he was still in ANBU, he could probably even beat Gai in a one on one.

"That would be great, but I'm no where near done with it. Only got the basics done, but that should be enough for now." stated Naruto as he started to dig in to the pasta that was made for dinner.

"Understood. You know tomorrow is when Zabuza is supposed to be back to full. And with the bridge being almost finished. It will most likely be tomorrow. We should think of a plan." stated Kakashi, sounding every bit the ANBU Commander he was just a few months ago.

"Hmm, in your honest opinions, how strong are Sasuke and Sakura?" asked Naruto, he needed their real level to formulate a plan. He knew that Kakashi could at the very least hold Zabuza off, but the hunter nin was a mystery, most likely chunin to jonin. So Naruto would most likely have to take on the hunter nin.

"Hmmm, I'd say that Sakura is... Low to mid genin" stated Kakashi, Naruto just nodded, but thought the scarecrow overestimated her.

"And Sasuke?"

"high genin to low chunin, maybe even mid chunin? It's hard to tell really." said the jonin, still flipping through his book.

It was at this time that Sasuke decided to make his presence known. "Hey, dob... Naruto? Can we talk?"

Naruto was drawn back by the radical shift in Sasuke's attitude. He stopped himself from calling him Dobe, and asked for him something instead of demanding it. "Sure, what you wanna talk about?"

"Not here, I'd like to be alone" his tone was a mystery, even to Sasuke. It was a mixture pain, regret and ... Happiness?

"Uhh, yea... I got a spot" Naruto walked over to to the door and motioned Sasuke to follow.

Sasuke just nodded and followed him out the door. Sakura was torn up inside. She knew that if anyone could help Sasuke it was Naruto, after all, Naruto was the only one they knew of that had it worse than Sasuke. But this also meant that Sasuke and Naruto would grow closer. Which meant that he would pay even less attention to her.

-Roof of the house-

Naruto and Sasuke had jumped up to the roof and sat with their backs on the chimney. Naruto flashed through hand signs at a rate that would make Zabuza blush. Then the whole roof and a dome of blue light flashed around them.

"Its a silence seal, no one can hear us up here. I can guess what you want to talk about?" asked Naruto with a very serious face and tone.

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