Chapter 15: Training is Complete

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Sarutobi was having a horrible day, he woke up after another one of his "Visions" as he called them. He had them before, dreams to real to just be dreams.

His first was of his sensei and then Hokage dying at the hands of kumo nins, he thought nothing of it until they were eventually surrounded by a group of high ranking ninja titled "The kinkaku force" and Tobirama sacrificed himself to let he, Danzo, his then teammates and a few other nameless chunin escape and fight another day.

The second time he had a "Vision" was the second day of his team training, when Jiraiya had witnessed him summon Monkey King Enma to show how weapons could be more effective than just hands and kunai. The vision consisted of Jiraiya growing up with the toads.

The third "Vision" was of a horrible underground laboratory which had all sorts of disgusting and revolting... Experiments... A laboratory that belonged to his then favorite student, his shining pupil. Though unlike his other visions, this one took months to come to full circle.

The fourth, was a terrible nightmare in which a giant fox destroyed the village, that one took years to come to pass. But at the end, things were even worse than his vision had told, half his ninja dead, his wife was killed by the fox, and he lost a dear friend and his successor, Minato died sealing the demon fox into his own son.

His latest vision had him very stressed out. He was at the chunin exams, he was watching Naruto, but he couldn't see his opponent. Then everything around him fell to chaos, civilians dying, ninjas being cut down, then everything went purple, he saw his sensei, but it wasn't him, it was some odd earth clone of him. The last thing he saw was a large explosion in front of him and a blade piercing his chest from behind and a cackling laughter he knew all too well, then... Nothing...

"Ms. Razana! Could you please bring the forms for a change of will?" asked Sarutobi in sad and defeated tone.

After a very long pause, she responded. "Hokage sama? Did you just ask for the forms to change your will?"

"Yes, I did. Could you please bring the forms." stated Sarutobi in a calmer and more commanding tone. "And also the forms I need to fill out to appoint a my replacement"

-Unknown hideout-

9 figures stood atop the outstretched stone hands of a very demonic looking statue, the statue was covered in chains and had nine eyes, though all of them were closed, and these men that were standing on the fingertips were anything but normal. The first and apparent leader had spiking hair and eyes of rippling purple. While 7 of these figures seemed to be no more than rainbow colored holograms, 2 were definitely there in person.

These two were the most widely known of the group, the first, was Kisame hogash, the tailed beast without a tail, know for his massive chakra capacity and blue skin, he was also known as the monster of the mist, he was one of the legendary 7 swordsmen of the mist and the wielder of Samahadea, the sharkskin sword. His reason to be classified as an S-Rank criminal were simple, the assassination of the Water Daimyo.

Next to him, shorter man, his eyes the eternal red of the infamous sharingan, was Itachi Uchiha. His trademark look was his ever present sharingan and the deep lines surrounding his eyes. His reason to be classified as an S-Rank criminal, now that was a complex tail not even he himself could fully explain.

"What do we know of the Jinchuuriki? Have they all been found yet?" asked the supposed leader, an apparently medium in height man, spiked hair and rippled purple eyes.

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