Chapter 8:He Doesn't Mess Around!

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They were staring over the village for what seemed like hours, though it had been only minutes. All was quiet, and that's when Naruto saw it. Next to a fountain near the middle of the village. A man with spiky hair and piercing eyes. The man nodded to Naruto and sunk into the water, never leaving a ripple.

Naruto took off towards the fountain. He didn't know who that was, but if he lived here, he probably knew his way around the ruins.

Naruto jumped into the fountain, only to be shocked when he saw a giant bubble holding the water back over a cavern. Inside the bubble was the same man as before, standing just far enough into the cavern to show only his eyes and outline. He stared at Naruto with a tilted head and an appraising eye, seemingly judging the blonde haired boy. After what felt like hours the figure turned and walked down the cavern, the only thing lighting the tunnel was the eerie glow coming from the mystery man's eyes. Naruto followed the man through the tunnel, finding that even when he tried, he couldn't speak. He physically couldn't talk! Not even grunt. Not only that, he couldn't stop moving, his body was on autopilot.

Zabuza was starting to get freaked out, and coming from the man that killed an entire graduating class when he wasn't even enrolled in the academy, that was saying something. The young blonde was just fine until they crossed the threshold of the ruins. Then he completely zoned out, sprinted into the center of the town, dove into a water fountain, swam to the bottom, starred at the bottom for a couple minutes, swam THROUGH the bottom of the fountain basin, and now they were walking through a pitch black tunnel. The only way Zabuza could track Naruto was to use his silent killing and go off of sound.

After about 10 minutes of walking the two Leaf nin came into what looked like an old, strangely lit, tomb. There was no light source and no shadows, everything was bathed in the same amount of light. 4 graves sat in the middle of the room. Each had some sort of plaque-like tombstone. At the foot of every casket was some sort of scroll. On the back wall there was another plaque, though this one looked to be some odd,forgotten language.

Naruto felt drawn to the coffin on the far right. The name on the tombstone? "Arashi Uzumaki, son of the Great One, Father of Asanta, age of death, 107"

Naruto moved to the next tombstone "Asanta Uzumaki, daughter of Arashi, mother of Tumaki Uzumaki, age of death, 92"

The next seemed even more familiar than the last two. "Tumaki Uzumaki, son of Asanta Uzumaki, father of Jin Uzumaki, age of death, 103"

The next one shocked Naruto to his very core. "Jin Uzumaki, son of Tumaki Uzumaki, father of Kushina Uzumaki, age of death, 47"

"K-Kushina? Mom?" asked Naruto out loud. Is this the same Kushina as his mother? Was he related to the Great one? If so, why did his grandpa die so young compared to everyone else? Naruto knew that full blooded Uzumaki's could reach one hundred and still be in fighting shape.

"Look at the dates" Naruto spun around only to see Zabuza standing there with eyes full of questions. "The Year Jin died was the year the village was destroyed."

"That would explain why he died so young, but it's kinda weird that my mom and even myself could have been next in line..." stated Naruto with a visible shiver

"Hey kid, what are these scrolls? I don't feel right touching these, essentially because your most likely the direct descendent of these people." stated Zabuza, pointing at the scroll at the base of Arashi's grave.

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