Chapter 35: Act Two: Obliteration

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A flash.

Some veterans froze at the sight of their comrades being decimated by a bright yellow flash.

The commander of the platoon watched in horror as his entire platoon was decimated in just a few short seconds. They hadn't even made it to the bridge yet, none of his men or women was left alive, and now, he was standing before what seemed to be God himself, purple ringed eyes staring back at him, a golden aura of flames surrounding the figures body as the rage the being was putting out was tantamount to a hundred Kage's killing intent.

Naruto Namikaze, the Godaime Hokage, stood before him, and he knew his life was over. He had been exited for this mission, a chance to prove he still had enough in the tank to be a head Jonin.

Now he could do nothing but watch as the glowing golden man walked toward him.

"You are the first enemy I have ever shown this to. The power granted to me by the Rinnegan, given by the Kyuubi no Kitsune, and perfected in secret. This is my god form..." Stated Naruto as he stood still and raised his hand. "Bow. Shinra Tensei."

The nameless Jonin folded in half at the waste, being repelled by the force of gravity itself. He never felt the impact of the ground, he was already dead.

"Wow. That was brutal. And why are you calling yourself god?" Questioned Sasuke as he looked over the devastation. "Oh right. Well, your still the Dobe in my book."

"Oh, shut the hell up Teme!" Stated Naruto as the chakra cloak receded and his eyes returned to their normal blue.

The two friends shared a laugh before they both adopted a serious look. Sasuke was the first to break the silence. "Are you really going to destroy Iwa?"

Naruto took a deep breath and looked to the sky. "I'm going to cripple their forces at the very least. I can't just sit back anymore. With kyuubi I can sense which ones are lost causes, anyone who isn't I'll give the chance to flee or fight." Naruto looked into Sasuke's eyes and smiled. "If this little plan of mine works..."

"Not everyone in Iwa is a bad ninja Sasuke. They deserve a chance too, and there is no one on this earth I trust more than you." Stated Naruto. "You are my partner Sasuke, through thick and thin, through my time as Hokage, you have had my back. I will need you to watch it again."


"Alright, don't get sappy, we have to get back to Jiraiya, there's a pretty good chance he's trying to grope one of the girls." Stated Naruto as he grabbed Sasuke's shoulder.

-Akatsuki hideout-

"Damnit! I'll show those mother fuckers! They will rue the day they laughed in my face!" Shouted Obito as he thrashed the room he was in. 'They just brushed me off! Sensei's bastard son outed me as on being Madara and they all just dismissed me like a common bug!'

Obito was so caught in his rage he didn't even see that the remaining members of Akatsuki, Bijuu included, were gathered around him until Kakazu spoke.

"Calm down. The last Bijuu has been sealed and we are ready. Shall I continue gaining bounties?" Questioned Kakazu.

"No." Obito said definitively. "You all need to get use to your Bijuu powers, I want you to find the most remote spots you can and prepare, in one weeks time, we launch our attack."

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