Chapter 14: Lineage

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"You ready, Gaki?" asked Jiraiya as he and Naruto approached the gate. Standing there was Kakashi, Sakura, Zabuza and Sasuke. All ready to begin their own training trip.

"Yep, can you 4 live without me for a week?" asked Naruto as both his teammates sweat dropped and Kakashi and Zabuza read their porn.

"Don't worry bout a thing Gaki, Kakashi is going to train pinky over there and I'm training this brat in the art of the sword and some other stuff" said Zabuza, implying he would be training Sasuke.

"You wanna be a swordsman?" asked Naruto with a raised eyebrow.

"I got into the Uchiha weapons vault and found a couple really nice swords, including the one that Zabuza says is quite special" stated the Uchiha. 'but I also learned how to unlock Itachi's eyes...' he thought "Yea, a chakra conducting katana, it's a pretty good sword, he might as well learn to use it." stated Zabuza as he flipped a page in his book, an action mirrored in perfect synchronization with Kakashi "By the way Gaki, what do you plan on doing with the Splash sword? I know you're strong, but even using one in your teeth you couldn't control all three swords at once"

"I plan to learn how to use it, never know when it could come in handy. Then maybe pass it on if I get a student that's into Kenjutsu After all, at the rate I'm going, not even the council will be able to keep me from becoming a jonin in the next year" laughed Naruto, though Sakura didn't get the joke.

"Why would the council try and stop you becoming a jonin?" she asked, Naruto just sighed.

"I'll tell you after the exams, after all, if you're fighting Sasuke, you need to improve as much as possible, can't have you getting sidetracked" commented Naruto. It was true, the second match was Sakura Haruno vs Sasuke Uchiha. Sasuke was the odds on favorite to win the tournament, followed by Gaara, then Neji. Naruto was at the bottom of the list, even below Sakura, probably because the rankings were done by civilians and the older genin, sense all the older ninja were involved in the exams or had a personal stake in the matter.

Naruto just nodded and handed both Sakura and Sasuke a scroll, getting a raised eyebrow from all but Jiraiya, who had been there when Naruto wrote both scroll.

Just as Naruto handed over the scrolls, a small green toad with white hair popped into existence next to the toad sannin.

"Hmm, so this is the new summoner?" asked the small toad as he jumped up on Naruto's shoulder and stared him in the eye. "Good lord! You have just as much chakra as Jiraiya Chan, you really are Minato's son! Now all you need to do pass Buntas test, come, we need a clearing and you need to sign the contract!"

-Training ground 37-

Naruto had already signed the contract and was now about to summon the great toad.

"If you're the leader of the toads, why wouldn't I summon you?" asked Naruto as Fukasaku remounted Naruto's shoulder.

"Because Naruto Chan, me and Ma are not really battle-toads, we're more of support toads. Bunta, Hiro and Ken are the battle-toads, and then there's Kichi and Tatsu, but they're both too young. Just use about a fourth of your chakra to summon Bunta" stated the toad as he attached himself to the blonde's shoulder with chakra.

"So a fourth of my suppressed chakra? Or my full chakra?" asked Naruto. Jiraiya just smirked, he knew there was no way that was the blondes full power, after all, he had Kage level reserves when he was made a full fledged ANBU at the age of 8, he just didn't know how much he really had.

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