Chapter 28: Retaliation

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Everyone in Konoha gathered in the streets surrounding the hokage tower. They had been informed that the Godaime was about to make a speech, thought about what, the civilians did not know, but most of them had been guessing, some thought that naruto was honoring the ninja that made chunin, while others believed that he was naming a successor. The ninja had heard rumors that the third had died in the Kumo chunin exam invasion, but no one had seen Asuma or anyone that was actually there, so they could not confirm this. Everyone was ripped from their thoughts and conversations when Narutos booming voice erupted over the city.

"People of Konoha! I have called this assembly to honor a great man. During the invasion of the chunin exams in Kumo, Hiruzen Sarutobi, the God of Shinobi and Sandaime hokage, died as a result of wounds received in combat during a confrontation that left himself, Danzo Shimura and Onoki of both scales dead." stated Naruto from the top of the hokage tower, using a voice transmission Jutsu to amplify his voice.

A loud gasp echoed through the crowd, many cried, some were in shock, but all were saddened.

"As most of you know, I thought of him as a grandfather, having never known my own, or my mother and father. It saddens me that he is gone, but It also fills me with pride, for i know that he is not and will never be forgotten! As the Godaime Hokage, I Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze-Senju, hereby name July twenty fourth, Hiruzen Sarutobi Day, in honor of the greatest hokage to ever hold the position!" Roaring applause shook the city at Narutos deceleration, only once had a day be named after a man, and that was when Madara Uchiha and Hashirama Senju formed Konoha. "In honor of the late Sandaime, all missions are off for the day and no stores are required to be open. Take today to celebrate the life of our greatest hokage. Also, anyone that wishes to help out with his funeral, visit the Sarutobi clan compound. Asuma is making the arrangements."

-In Iwa-

"Do you accept the title of Fourth Tsuchikage?" questioned a nameless councilor.

Before him stood Kitsuchi, Son in law of Onoki, known to be the best earth user in the village, and not counting the kazekages use of sand, in the world, and to have the larges chakra reserves in iwa, even more than the two Jinchuuriki, he was the best pick to be the newest earth shadow. Though he was an immensely powerful fighter, he was an even greater leader, he had never lead a squad that had failed their mission, and most importantly, he hated the Namikaze line more than any other man or woman in Iwa. And he was capable of using the dust element "I accept the position of Yondaime Tsuchikage."

-In Konoha, one week later-

Naruto once again sat behind his desk, reading through different scrolls and signing documents, though he was not actually sitting behind his desk, that was a shadow clone. The real Naruto was sitting on the old, worn out couch in his office, lost in thought. 'Iwa should be sending their demands for me killing their Kage soon. No doubt they will want my head. And I can't counterclaim, as Old Man died from exhaustion. Hopefully they won't declare war.'

"Naruto-Kun, a scroll from Iwa has arrived..." stated Mai, the aging secretary from the doorway. A very troubled look on her face. Most likely because her and Hiruzen had been very good friends.

"Send for the branches, Sasuke, Sakura, Tsunade and the Nara's. Then you may take the rest of the day off. You never took time to help get over his loss." stated naruto as he got up and took the scroll from her.

"You haven't either Naruto-kun..." Stated the elderly woman. "You were closer to him than any of us, maybe even more than Asuma-kun and Jiraiya."

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