Chapter 11: Birth of Legend

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"Naruto!" yelled Sakura as she knelt down by his body. She was shocked and frightened, he wasn't breathing. She checked his pulse and found nothing. Panicking, she started using some of the medical knowledge and jutsu she knew, performing CPR and pumping medical chakra into his heart and lungs at the same time, showing her masterful chakra control.

"Sakura! What happened to Naruto? Where's Sasuke-Kun?" yelled Ino as she and her team found the beaten body of Naruto with Sakura hovering over him. 'Naruto, please be alright' she silently prayed.

Sakura ignored them, or perhaps she couldn't even hear them, she was so focused of reviving her teammate that she had basically shut out the outside world, though nothing she tried was working. She was getting desperate, she was burning through medical chakra and the blonde wasn't responding "Sakura! Wake up! What's going on!" yelled Ino

Sakura was about to give up hope, but just as she stopped CPR, she felt a small bump, then another and another! Then the blonde sputtered out for breath. Everyone jumped back at the intensity of the breath and the painful sounding gasping that came after it. "He's alive... He's alive!"

"Wha- What's going on?" asked Choji, seeing someone in this bad of condition wasn't normal, especially Naruto, in all their time at the academy, they never once saw the blonde so much as tired, so to see him on deaths door, it was hard to fathom.

"We were ambushed, Orochimaru of the Sannin attacked us. He defeated Sasuke and Naruto held him off so I could move Sasuke somewhere safe. I made an earth clone to stay with Sasuke and came back to help Naruto. When I got back... Naruto was just falling limp to the ground with no pulse. Orochimaru gave both Sasuke and Naruto some weird mark. c'mon help me bring Naruto too where Sasuke is?" she pleaded with tears in her eyes, whether it was tears of joy that Naruto was still alive or tears of sadness that she couldn't help more was anyone's guess.

"Y-Yea, let's go!" stated a shocked Ino. 'He was dead?'


Naruto's unconscious form was laying 10 feet from kyuubi's, unmoving but still alive, thanks to that pink haired girl, the kid would live.

"Kit! Wake up, you're safe for now, now wake up!" shouted the kyuubi at the young man outside of his cage, the pink haired one had just saved his life, but there were more problems than that.

Naruto began to stir, after a moment his eyes opened, then the pain started. "AHHHHHHHHH!" the blonde screamed in pain, absolute pain, his blood felt like lava, his skin felt like it was being torn away and every movement felt like red hot pokers shredding his muscle.

"Kit, we don't have much time, that snake bastard sealed most of my chakra and all I can do is keep that other seal from taking you over! Now listen carefully, you're going to have to fight off the evil influence of the seal yourself, I can manifest the seal into whatever form it truly is, but I can't help, it's going to be just you!" explained the Kyuubi over the shouts of pain. Naruto managed to give a thumbs up, even through the pain of the seal, he was able to move.

"Ok kit, get ready, this is going to suck"



"Where am I? The pain... It stopped..." painted Naruto, he looked around, not seeing anything but darkness.

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