Chapter 32: The Men Pulling the Strings

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"This is bad... If Naruto-kun can't recover from the mental strain, the whole plan will be ruined! How is my son taking all of this..." Shouted Shisui as he paced back and forth in the bunker with Madara.

"Stop that infernal pacing! You remind me far too much of Hashirama than I care for." Demanded the Uchiha patriarch, his eyes closed and his body relaxed as he leaned up against the wall of the dark room.

"But grandpa, Naruto is like a son to me, and Shisui is my actual son! How would you like it if me or my father was lying in a somewhere in a hospital bed and there was nothing you could do about it!"

"Enough!" Shouted Madara as he exploded from his spot and slapped Shisui into the wall. "Do you forget that I watch all five of my brothers die? Do you forget that I had to sit back and watch your father die a pointless death for that pitiful clan of ours!"

"Enough! Both of you!" Shouted a voice from the shadows. The uchiha's froze before slowly turning to see an older man with dark red hair staring holes through them. "I didn't revive you Madara, create new eyes for you Shisui, pull the Sanbi from Yagura and place it in that damn Senju, so that you can throw a god damn temper tantrum! And before either of you idiots say anything, I will remind you that I lost both my daughters at that impostor!"

-in Konoha hospital-

"How is it possible that NO ONE was there to help break his fall?" Questioned a pissed off Tsunade, who was currently acting Hokage while the younger blonde layed in the bed before her. It had been the longest twelve hours in the history of the hidden leaf, as most of the population had watched their leader fall from an enormous height before he disappeared behind the buildings. And now they didn't know if their leader was ok, or even alive.

Itachi, Sasuke and Kakashi all stood on the opposite side of the bed of Tsunade. It was kakashi who spoke first. "I was watching. Right as naruto delivered his last attack, he seemed to pull a white energy construct out of the body. There was a pulse of energy right after that and naruto was flung to the ground."

"That would make sense. I had my EMS activated at the time, and he seemed to be falling at an incredible rate, like he was forced to the ground." Stated Sasuke as he looked to his best friend. 'Cmon Dobe, you can do this! Wake up! This village needs their leader!'

During the following silence, Jiraiya entered the room. "Ma and Pa took all the extra bodies with them, we saw konan taking Nagato's body away. Pa said something about the rods having nature chakra in them. He wants Naruto to help do some tests when he gets the chance and wakes up. Has he woken up yet?"

"No. Hasn't even moved. He's almost healed from the fall, his right leg needs some work, but sakura and Shizune have managed to reconstruct most of his femur and Haku healed his back." Answered Tsunade. "Have you sent word to the other leaders? What of Daimyo Tasuki?"

"Yes, Gaara and A have already responded. Gaara defeated one of his attackers, but the other escaped. He's having baki watch the village. He'll be here in about two days. Tasuki will be here tomorrow afternoon. he said that he would personally overlook the reconstruction sense Naruto is out of action ." Stated Jiraiya. "I've sent a group to meet him, hopefully he gets here without incident."

"What of A-Sama and Mei-Sama?" Questioned Itachi.

"Mei has yet to respond and A is on his way as well. I assume Temari will be making her way with Gaara." Stated Jiraiya before he looked to Sasuke. "How good are you at the Hiraishin?"

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