Chapter 24: Team Seven Again

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-Two years later-

"Naruto Sama, I have come to make a special request involving team placements." stated Hiashi calmly, though in his mind, it was already a done deal.

"I have already sorted out the teams and I believe that they are for the best... Though I believe this is about your nephew or your daughter... So I'll allow you to preach your case." stated Naruto

"Thank you Naruto sama. I would like for hanabi to be your third student. I know how adamant you are about teaching Shushi and Azumi, this will add the third member and you will have a very powerful team." requested Haishi

Over the last two years, the village had changed quite a bit, and mostly for the better. With Tsunade running the hospitals, Hiruzen taking over the academy with Iruka as the headmaster and teaching the advanced class, the Six Branches of Konoha (Itachi, Zabuza, Kakashi, Shizune, Gai and Asuma) taking mostly high A and S class missions, bringing in a huge amount of money, boosting Konoha economy, and the new crop of jonin and special jonin boosting Konoha's already impressive military, it was the most prosperous times that Konoha's had since the first hokage made the village.

"I'm sorry Haishi, but i've already set my team. Hanabi will be with Neji and an Inuzuka and An Aburame, making the tracking team. Sasuke has requested Konohamaru, Moegi and Udon for personal reasons, making the 'teamwork' team and I'm taking Shushi, Azumi and Remi, making an assault team. There is nothing I can do, unless you would wish to apprentice her yourself." stated Naruto, backing the Hyuuga head into a corner.

"No... This is an important lesson for a clan head to have, especially if she's going to be the next in line for head of the main house along with Hinata. I will take my leave now Naruto sama, see you at the next council meeting." said Haishi as he walked to the door. Naruto was weary of that statement, as the next council meeting was after the pass fail of the teams.

"Which reminded me... Mai?"

"Yes Naruto kun?" asked the old jonin turned secretary.

"When's my next appointment? And with whom?" asked Naruto politely. The old woman may be sixty four years old, but she could still beat the shit out of anyone under jonin in rank, and she knew Narutos one weakness.

"That would be right now, with the Uchiha brothers." stated Mai with a sweatdrop

"Hehe, send them in please?"

"Hello Naruto kun."

"Hey Dobe, what's the word?"

"Itachi, Teme, have a seat."

"How is Shizune coming along? I've heard that she got out of the hospital yesterday but she wasn't at practice today." stated Itachi as he and Sasuke sat down.

"Fine. Baa chan let her go early because she kept getting out of bed and healing other people. She should be back in about a week, until then, Sakura will fill in." stated Naruto.

Itachi just nodded. After the war in Kiri was over, Shizune had started to show signs of illness. Turns out it was minor chakra poisoning from using too much medical Jutsu. Up until a week ago, everything was fine until she collapsed after a training session and needed medical attention.

"Sasuke, you'll be glad to know you got the Konohamaru corps as your team, though you're going to have to work hard with them, as Konohamaru is as stubborn as I am and Moegi has a crush on you." smirked Naruto, Sasuke scowled, he was one of the most sought after men in the village, even though he was already engaged to Haku. Only Naruto, Itachi and surprisingly Genma, who was a single father, were bigger targets of the female population than him, and it was some form of a three way tie for fifth place, Involving Kakashi, Zabuza and Gai, even though Shizune and Kakashi were known to have a thing going, Zabuza and Anko were practically married, and Gai probably had more sex than anyone in the village, seeing as he had a body only rivaled by Naruto and had the second most stamina.

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