Chapter 20: Homecoming, A Real Granny

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"Lord Hokage, the People you've requested have all arrived, would you like me to send them in?" asked Naruto's secretary, a very old woman around 65, named Mai, a retired Jonin who could still pack a punch, as several civilian council member had figured out first hand after threading her to let them into the office.

"Yes please, Thank you Mai" stated Naruto with a smile. He liked the old woman. She was one of the only supporters he had growing up, and when he heard she was having trouble paying for her house, he gave he the secretary position.

Naruto decided to play a trick on his fellow ninja, by standing at attention in front of the desk and having Zabuza, who was there to see Haku, sit in the Hokage's chair, and wear that hat.

One by one, the 7 that were called walked into the office, surprise covering their faces to see the now titled "Demon of the hidden leaf" was their new Hokage As each member walked up to the desk, they found themselves shaking slightly at the Aura of Power coming off of the supposed Hokage

Zabuza smirked, though no one could see in due to his mask. "Now before you all shit yourselves, No, your not in trouble." a sigh of relief filled the room "in fact, I'm not even the Hokage." he turned his head to Naruto and said "Sir, I believe your chair is of prime temperature"

Zabuza got up, tossed the hat to Naruto, and sat down on the couch. His orange booking in his hands before he even made contact with the chair. Naruto caught the hat and slowly and deliberately moved to sit in the chair.

"Now that you are all here, you should probably know why you have been summoned." started Naruto, who pulled out a stack of chunin and jonin vest "You've all been promoted"

"Hold up! Naruto, you're the new Hokage?" questioned Iruka, not believing his eyes, of course there were rumors going thru the village that Naruto was appointed, but then again, there were also rumors that Sasuke was appointed.

"Yep, voted in by the fire Daimyo himself. Now, on to the promotions. Shino Aburame, for keeping a calm head and leading your team during the invasion, along with taijutsu and strategies well above the requirement, your being promoted to chunin" stated Naruto as he tossed Shino a chunin vest. Shino nodded his thanks and stepped back.

"Neji Hyuuga" stated Naruto as he readjusted himself in his seat "Seeing as I know first hand how strong you are, I am promoting you to chunin. However, you will be tested in four months to see if you are able of being placed as a special jonin in taijutsu and chakra manipulation. My only request is that you drop that fate crap."

"T-Thank you Naru- Hokage sama" stated Neji as he retrieved his new chunin vest. He had figured that because of his rather one sided loss, that he would not be promoted, so this surprised him greatly.

"You may all still call me Naruto, except during anything mission related and when in front of customers" stated Naruto with a sigh, he would never get used to that 'sama' crap.

"Sakura Haruno" stated Naruto "You are being promoted on a direct request from the Raikage. Seems he likes your style of fighting, nice headbutt by the way"

"The Raikage? So I'm being promoted because another leader likes the way I fight?" asked a confused Sakura

"That, and everyone else that was judging the exams" smiled Naruto, getting a small smile back from Sakura.

"Shikamaru Nara" Shikamaru, who was spacing out looking at clouds through the giant panoramic window behind Naruto, snapped to attention "Your being promoted to chunin for your analytical skills, strategies, and overall intelligence. Hopefully this will kick some of that laziness out of you."

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