Chapter 4: Naruto Sensei..?

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The two dark clad figures had just appeared behind the group out of an unnatural puddle. They sent a glance at each other and that seemed to be the only thing needed to launch their assault. They took off, a chain connecting the gauntlets on their wrist. The chain proved useful, as they charged the group, they were able to wrap the legendary copy nin in the razor sharp chain and with a vicious pull of their arms, the chain ripped him into a plethora of Kakashi-chunks. Both Sakura and Sasuke were frozen in fear, there sensei was just killed and their teammate was nowhere to be found. Sasuke began to wonder if he had also been killed as he tried to catch up. Sasuke quickly rediscovered his ego and began to charge the duo recklessly, after all, he was an Uchiha, and for some reason, Sasuke thought that made him invincible. As he neared the offending ninja, they moved faster than he could react, and they both backhanded the last Uchiha away like a fly.

Sakura was now panicking, her sensei was dead, her crush was just bitch slapped and although she wouldn't admit it, her only hope was a boy, no, a man named Naruto. The duo charged her, and although she was on the verge of pissing herself, she held her ground. As they drew closer, she closed her eyes and waited for the end.

She waited for what seemed like hours, though it was by a second, until she heard a sound she was unfamiliar with, it sounded like a sword being sheathed, but along with this sound, was the sound of gurgling. Curiosity got the better of her and she opened her eyes to see what it was. What he saw shocked her, in front of her, the two men stood motionless, seemingly frozen in time, with a mixture of shock and fear on their faces. They both toppled over to reveal her "Teammate" Naruto, and the look in his eyes sent her mind deeper into shock. It was the look she had heard her father speak about, the look of a man that just protected something he considered precious, though at the same time it was mixed with something that just didn't fit on Naruto's face, sorrow.

"N-Naruto?" she questioned, then looked at the men that had attacked, a kunai in the base of both of their skulls.

"You both alright?" even his tone seemed like it didn't belong to the blonde idiot that she was teamed with.

"Fine" stated Sasuke with a hint of venom in his voice, just returning from the bitch slapped induced flight.

"Good, then we can continue the mission" stated Naruto as he made three hand signs, when he was done, Kakashi appeared out of nowhere, reading his book "But I think it's time that Tazuna tells us why he lied about the mission details"

-45 minutes later, Hokage's office-

The Sandaime was currently battling the second greatest enemy to mankind, a creature far worse than any experiment created by the traitorous snake Sannin…paperwork. He was absentmindedly wondering how much more paperwork he would have to do if he torched all of the paperwork. He was pulled from his musings as an ANBU appeared before him.

"Lord Hokage, we've just received word from a team on a c-rank, seems the mission has been upgraded to at least an A-rank. What are we to do?" asked the Baki masked ANBU

"What team?" he asked absentmindedly

"Team 7 sir. Though they haven't asked for any help, just for us to retrieve 2 bodies." answered the ANBU

"Ah, makes sense, thank you for the information, you may go now." answered the Sandaime, not showing any worry at all, if it was any other genin team, he would send backup immediately, however, this was Kakashi's team, which meant Naruto was also there, and those two alone could handle almost any A-rank.

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