Chapter 23: God Of Death

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"So Sasuke has some weird mangekyou huh?" asked Naruto, a contradicting look on his face. He was glad that Konoha may gain a valuable tool, though he was slightly apprehensive as to what this new eye may do.

"Yes, as far as I know, all mangekyou other than Shisui's had 3 points or a pattern of 3. Shisui's was 4 and he was able to control people's with his. Sasukes has 6 points. We will have to wait to see if he has any extra abilities." stated Itachi.

"Shit, and I wanted him to get some battle experience. Ok, for now, it will be you, Zabuza and Shizune going with Mei. Once you get there, I'll use hirasian and we'll see what the plan is from their, I'll bring people to and from Kiri so that you are always fresh." stated Naruto

"It's a solid plan Gaki, but there's a problem with it. Even with at least one of them here at all times, if Iwa gets wind of this, it could turn ugly." stated Jiraiya

"It doesn't matter if they do, you and Jiji will be here, plus Tsunade will only spend a week or two max there to train new medical ninja. And I will be here at a moments notice." stated Naruto.

"Alright Gaki, but make sure you all make it back in one piece, otherwise tsunade might just kill me."

-Two week later, Kiri-

"Did you hear? The Hokage is going to fighting in the next battle with us!" shouted one of the bloodline faction

"Yea! According to what I've heard, he has the highest kill count on our side, even more than Mei sama or Ao sama!" commented another

"Not to mention the other six with him. Sharingan Kakashi, The green beast Might Gai, Asuma the buzz saw Sarutobi, Shizune of the poison mist, Itachi the Genjutsu master Uchiha and even the Demon if the leaf Zabuza Momochi."

"Hear that Gaki? We're famous!" laughed Zabuza.

"I don't really care for fame, takes away the element of surprise. Hey Mei chan, from the look of this, there going to try to wipe us out one base at a time." stated Naruto, looking at the strategic layout of the troops.

"Yes, but we should be able to hold them off till the heavy hitters get back to one hundred percent." Stated Mei

Naruto Nodded "Shizune, How long till Gai and Asuma are healed and what's Itachis status?"

"Gai is still recovering from going up to six gates, but should be ready in two or three days. Asuma is recovering from Chakra exhaustion and will be back around the same time as Gai. Itachi however is almost completely blind. He will need to go back to Konoha." stated Shizune with a wince, she knew as well as everyone else that Itachi was one of the strongest in the world, but that didn't help the fact that he was now blind.

"Shit, I knew he went overboard when he used Amaterasu." cursed Naruto. "Damn, Is Sasuke battle ready yet? He's going to take Itachis place for the rest of the battles and they'll have to wait till we can get them both to Tsunade for the Eye swap."

"Even with the Mangekyou, he's still low jonin at best. He can't replace Itachi, we could get Genma and Raido, but but even them together don't come close." stated Kakashi

"I know. I don't want to bring anymore clan heads though, You and Itachi is already a risk." Stated Naruto "We may not be able to substitute for Itachi on the front line, but what if we bring in some back line fighters?"

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