Chapter 25: Round one Fight

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"For the love of... Shut the hell up Bee!" shouted Yugito as she stood next to the rapping Jinchuuriki. They were both standing at the gate, waiting for the teams from Suna and Konoha to show up. It was common knowledge that naruto and Gaara thought of each other as brothers, so unless it was a race, they usually would meet up if they were both traveling somewhere.

"What's wrong miss two? You got the flu?" questioned Bee, even though her mind was once again on the white boy.

"You know damn well that I hate your rapping! And please get ready, Lord Raikage said that our guests would be here right around this time." stated Yugito as she punched bee in the back of the head, though it didn't seem to affect him much.

"I know why you're acting this way, you've been thinking of that brat Hokage." stated Bee in his ever improving rap. Though he outwardly disrespected most authority figures, such as his brother and Naruto, they were in fact the two people he respected most.

"Sh-Shut up! And he's not a brat! I doubt that any woman alive could handle him." stated Yugito with a blush, showing she had been thinking of her fellow blonde in a more than friendly capacity. "In a fight! I doubt anyone could handle him in a fight."

"That may be true, but it's clear you want him miss Two. I saw it a year ago and I see it now, he's the only one who could make you meow." stated bee suggestively, turning Yugitos blush from a light pink to a dark red, though that was probably a side product of the rage.

"I'll kill you!" stated Yugito calmly as she held her hand up, showing that her fingernails had become claws, before she became downtrodden. "Besides, even if I did like him, he could have any woman he wanted, why would he choose me..."

"Don't get down miss Two, if you like him, here's what you do. Act like you forgot your money, ask him if he would take you for some food, he'll say yes, because he's way too kind not to, and see if you hit it off." stated Bee

"You... You didn't rap that part!" stated Yugito in shock. 'And that was some pretty good advice.'

"It's not always appropriate to rap, it would be counter productive in matters of the heart or any of that crap." rapped bee, making Yugito sweatdrop

"Bee?" asked Yugito, the shades wearing shinobi turned to his blonde friend "If i asked you... Would you go out with me?"

"Oh hell to the no, I wouldn't want you to ruin my flow." stated bee with a silly grin on his face as he looked behind Yugito. Yugito looked confused and downtrodden once again.

"Besides, why would you want to ask Bee, when you can have me?" rapped a very familiar voice, From behind Yugito.

"Not you too Naruto Nii sensei! It's bad enough when killer bee does it, and Hes kinda good!" stated Shisui, he was now wearing an almost exact replica of his fathers ANBU armor, only with an Uzumaki swirl on his back instead of the Uchiha fan.

"Shut up Shisui! Killer bee is the best rapper ever!" shouted Azumi, he was now wearing a Narutos old ANBU uniform, minus the puppy or fox mask.

Remi just sat back and watched her sensei start his "Lady killer" routine, she was wearing her mothers old uniform, which was black tight ANBU pants, a tight dark green long sleeve t shirt and a medics vest.

"He's not even kind of good..." stated Yugito before her eyes went wide and she spun around, seeing Naruto and his genin team standing just inside the gate, the world renown foxy smile that was known to break a girls heart with a single flash showing on his whiskered face.

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