Chapter 10: The End Of Man

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"So this is the forest of death?" asked Sasuke rhetorically. They were one of the last groups to get there, and with Naruto's little performance, all eyes were on them.

"Yep, its not that bad, I'm sure we'll be fine." Naruto stated with confidence. Almost as soon as the words left his mouth, a kunai flew past his cheek, cutting him open.

"Is that so brat? Maybe you'll change your mind as your digested by a man eating plant?" came the sweet but threatening of Anko as she body flickered behind him and held a kunai to his throat.

Now was some time for some grade A acting. "There's no such thing!" the blonde sputtered out. Now almost everyone was scared. If the blonde was showing that he was timid, then what should they be feeling? "You owe me for this!" whispered Naruto

"Oh, but there are!" she responded in a sing song voice as she slipped a small scroll into his vest, though no one saw it because she was also licking the blood of his cheek, most guys in the area had to shift their stance as they had certain reactions to the hot proctor. "No problem, I'll just make Zabu-kun teach you something" she whispered back

"I'll b-believe it when I see it!" responded the blond shakily. Then they both felt someone approach from behind. They both spun around, or Naruto spun around and Anko went along for the ride. Which landed her in a rather compromising position.

"Your Kunai back, proctor" stated a kusa nin, she handed the kunai over using her amazingly long tongue.

"You shouldn't sneak up on people like that, Gaki, but I'll forgive you this time." said Anko as she took her kunai back and got off of Naruto's back.

"Sorry, but the sight of blood gets me going a little bit" the kusa nin announced.

"You know..." started Naruto as he sniffed the air and tightened his grip on his swords "I really hate the smell of snakes!" he grunted out.

The kusa ninja had a look of surprise. Not because of the declaration of her smell, but because the kusa ninja was in fact Orochimaru in disguise, and if the blonde knew it, then he could inform the proctor, who would summon the Hokage He couldn't chance it, he bowed and left, searching for a new body to inhabit until he could mark his targets. 'Damn that boy! First Kabuto and now this? He's much too good to be a genin. I'll have to separate them to put the curse mark on Sasuke'

As the 'genin' left, so did Anko, both to finish the preparations and to inform ANBU of the possible threat of another Orochimaru spy. It never dawned on her that the nin was Orochimaru.

Naruto took this time to read the scroll Anko had given him, it was actually 2 notes on the same scroll, though one was way less helpful.

'Team from Iwa are impostors. One B rank jonin and two C rank chunin. Also, watch out for the team from Suna, they have a Jinchuurki'

'Zabuza said "Don't fuck this up kid, I got money riding on you to win the whole thing, and if you don't, Haku will freeze your balls off! Also, I'm staying in your apartment for now, I kinda sliced a hole in my floor while sharpening my sword.'

"Sweet, bastard better not sleep in my bed, and what's with him and having Haku freeze people balls off?" Naruto asked himself.

"OK, this is going to suck!" stated Naruto as he Crumpled up the piece of paper and burnt it with a fire jutsu.

"What's up? Someone steal all the ramen?" asked Sasuke with a smirk.

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