Chapter 19 : Where Things Begin to Change

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"Who are we going to meet, mister Zabuza?" asked the young Shisui.

"His name Is Naruto, he's a Uzumaki like you, though he has blonde hair, not the Uzumaki red." stated Zabuza, the kid was really growing on him, and he didn't truly know why.

"Is he strong like you? Mommy told me before she died about a man named Zabuza, he was really strong. Mommy said he was the strongest in the village until his daughter died. Is that you mister?" asked Shisui.

"...Yea, that's me kid. Do you remember your mothers name? Maybe I knew her?" this was when Zabuza noticed it. 'The way the kid moves... He's had ninja training. He moves like a genin, and he got close to me without me noticing... He can't be her son... Can he?"

"Mommy's name was Kamiro, at least I think it was, I haven't seen mommy in almost a year." said Shisui sadly.

'He is her kid, that explains everything! Kamiro Uzumaki, the silent death. But I wonder how she died?' wondered Zabuza.

"Hey mister? Do you know why my eyes look funny?" asked the small boy.

"Your eyes look normal to me? What do you mean funny?" asked Zabuza.

"Oh, wait! I need to turn them on first!" stated Shisui. He closed his eyes tight and did what he did last time. "Ok mister, what about now?"

Zabuza looked down to see something that shouldn't be possible. Each eye was now red, with one tomoe in each eye.

-Naruto and Jiraiya-

"No way? What does he hold? All the tailed beasts are sealed right now." asked Naruto, he went to pump some chakra into the boy's stomach, but a tendril of whitish purple shot out and intercepted his hand.

"The only beast I know that could have that color is the 3 tails. But that's sealed in Yagura... We need to wake this kid up. I'll go get Haku, she can see what's wrong with him." stated Jiraiya as he got up to leave. Naruto nodded and went back to studying the seal.

-Hidden Base-

Kabuto was very confused "Orochimaru sama, this letter just came from Danzo."

"What does that fake cripple want now? I already gave the fool a new arm and mokuton, what more could he need?" questioned Orochimaru, who was currently preparing to go and find his old teammate.

"The letter said that he needed your help. He wants you to kill The Namikaze. In exchange, he will give you Sasuke Uchiha or a set of fully matured Sharingan eyes. The only catch is that he wants the curse mark for his soldiers"

-somewhere near waterfall-

"Were not even two hours from Taki! C'mon, lets go get the 7 tail." begged Kisame, which annoyed Itachi to no end.

"No, for three reasons, One, Naruto will be hard enough to fight when we're both at full power, two, it's not either one of our targets and three, Leader sama gave us direct orders to go to Konoha. we will do as ordered. Besides, don't you want another match up with Zabuza?" asked Itachi.

"Oh yeah, that's right, hes a Konoha ninja now. Wonder if he's still any good?" it wasn't that Kisame didn't like Zabuza, Far from it actually. He was the strongest Swordsman and was actually in line to take over for Yagura, though he ended up attempting to kill him.

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