Chapter 22: the Start of a War

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"Lord Danzo, what are we to do until Orochimaru kills the Kyuubi vessel?" questioned a nameless root operative.

Thinking for a moment, Danzo said "All but the top ten, train. I want you all high jonin by the time of our attack. I want the top ten to go to all the smaller villages and take any strong children you can find. I will need an army at least three times the size of what we have now."

"Yes my lord" answered the Root who then flickered out of existence.

"Soon, very soon the brat will be dead, and I will be hokage. Then I will take over the whole of the elemental nations."

-Training ground zero-

"Naruto... What do you know of the Jutsu Edo Tensai?" asked Sarutobi, his face a myriad of emotion.

"Hmm, it can bring back people from the dead, but only if there soul resides in the pure world, so if a soul is sealed, it doesn't work... You can use a dead body or alive body, but it's much stronger with a living sacrifices, and the Nidaime hokage invented it." answered Naruto

"Good, now, when I was fighting Tobirama sensei, he told me to bring back him and his brother, the first Hokage, to speak with you. The reason there are four body's here, is because I know of one other man who I'm sure would love to meet you, and I believe one that can help you a great deal." stated Sarutobi as he handed Naruto a small scroll. "These are the hand seals for the Jutsu, the reason I had you bring the scrolls from the vaults is because they hold two of the people you are going to summon."

"...ok old man, but I don't feel right about this." answered Naruto as he he flew through hand seals "Impure world resurrection!"

-Uchiha compound-

"I won't do it! I'll kill myself before I harm her!" shouted Sasuke once again in defiance.

"It's useless, foolish little brother. You've made eye contact, now your will is mine, thanks to a very old Uchiha technique, one that no longer has a name. You're my puppet now, and you will kill Haku, Naruto and then when you have eyes like mine, I will kill you and take them as my spares." droned out Itachi, all while eating his sandwich. This wasn't the man who killed his clan. This was a monster of even greater stature that the Kyuubi.

Sasuke was about to retort, only to find him moving on his own towards Haku, he was horrified to feel himself pull a kunai out of the holster on his leg and bring it up as his body was forcefully pushed towards the girl he had come to love. "No.. No! Haku! Please move!"

"She can't move, she can't speak, but she can see, and she can feel." answered Itachi, now standing beside Sasuke "Her last sight as she leaves this earth will be the man that loves her, slicing into her throat."

"Haku! Please move! Run, run and get help!" shouted Sasuke, his face covered in the salty water pouring from his eyes. His hand rose, no matter how hard he fought to disobey, it was useless.

Sasuke positioned the tip off the kunai at Hakus jugular. His hand shaking as he locked eyes with Haku, only to see pure fear and disbelief looking back into his eyes. "Haku... I'm so sorry. I love you, see you in the next life."


He had done it... He just killed the woman he loved... "Haku!" he cried out "Why her?" he demanded of Itachi.

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