Chapter 16 : The Truth is out

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"It's over. Fate has decided me the winner. You should just forfeit now." commented Neji, as arrogant as ever. Most of the stadium looked at him like he was retarded.

"I'll tell you what. Just to make this fair, I won't use my swords or either Jutsu I use to overcome doujutsu" stated Naruto with a cocky smirk.

"Fool, the only thing you're good with are those swords. Sure you may be strong, but you have no skill. There is no way to counter my eyes. Fate has decided this match. And you have already lost" stated Neji as he slid into his stance.

"Neji, I'm going to do you a huge favor. I'm going to rip the stick out of your ass, humble you up some, and make you normal." stated Naruto while flashing through hand seals "Water style, shock wave Jutsu!"

Naruto pushed out his right palm towards Neji. In an instant, water formed around his hand, then burst at Neji. Being point blank, Neji took the full force of the C-rank Jutsu and was thrown back.

"Byakugan!" cried Neji midair as he adjusted himself to land in a crouch. "Is that all you got Uzumaki? It will take more than a little water to defeat me."

"You know what you arrogant prick? I'll beat you with just taijutsu! That way when their whipping pieces of Hyuuga off the ground, you can't complain that I got lucky. I'm going to give you a taste of my own childhood." stated Naruto as he straightened up.

-with Sensei and friends-

"What does he mean by that Asuma sensei? A taste of his childhood?" asked the unknowing Ino.

Asuma looked to Kakashi, Kakashi nodded and Asuma begin. "Naruto was horribly abused as a child. From when he was 3 to when he was 6, almost every night he was beaten. He had spent more time on the line of life and death than he did healthy"

"What?" was the collective reaction from the group, minus Kakashi, Gai, Zabuza and Haku.

"Your kidding, right Asuma?" asked Kurenai, sure she didn't like the kid for humiliating her, but he didn't really go through that. Right?

"No, he's not. Me and Itachi were his guardians. He was attacked twice a night, and that was when we were on guard. The other ANBU let him get beaten and even joined in sometimes." explained Kakashi in a cold voice.

"To live such a life..."

-arena floor-

Neji smirked. "I'd love to, unfortunately, my life is doomed to be at the very best, unpleasant. Fate has decided me the winner."

"If you're so sure about that, then use your best move, I'll even give you a free shot." Naruto stated with his own air of superiority.

"Do you take me for a fool? This is the same trick you pulled on the Inuzuka. I rush in and get destroyed, I'm not dumb" replied Neji.

"I swear on my dream of becoming Hokage I will let your strike land." he stated as he relaxed from his stance.

"Well I appreciate your offer, it's not needed. You are within my range of divination. 64 Palms Jutsu!"

"2 Palms!" fast strikes hit each shoulder.

"4 Palms!" strikes continued on his arms

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