Chapter 2

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Next day, team assignments-

Naruto was sitting top row, as far into a left corner as possible, he was the first one there. He sat waiting for the first person to enter the room, though he had only been there for 5 or 10 minutes, he was extremely bored.

'Hmm...' Naruto thought to himself 'I wonder how long until the question me about why I'm here? I don't exactly have the smartest classmates. Maybe they won't even recognize me? That would be hilarious!'

The truth is that most people wouldn't recognize him. After he had made it home last night, he had changed his wardrobe. No more was the orange and blue jumpsuit, but instead a modified version of his ANBU uniform. Dark blue cargo pants with an orange stripe, starting from the hip and ending in a point just under the side of his knee. A black muscle shirt almost completely covered by a dark gray ANBU vest. Dark blue arm sleeves that went from his wrist to his elbow, all of which had Orange stitching. Black shinobi sandals and the final touch, two headbands, the first being the standard leaf headband, rightfully on his forehead. The second was the gold plated "Swirl" headband, which was tied around his right bicep (if you haven't figured it out yet, it's a headband from Uzushiogakure).

He was still stuck in his musings as one of his classmates entered the room. He looked to see Shino Aburame looking at him with a raised eyebrow, which to an Aburame, meant total shock. Naruto chose to ignore him and speak to his tenant. Closing his eyes and resting his head on his forearms, he began to slip into the dreamlike state that granted him access to his slumbering prisoner.


"Oi! Fox, wake up, I got a while before I need to do anything and I have a few questions." stated Naruto as he walked up to the giant prison cell of the great beast.

"And just what might those be? I swear, if you repeat any of the questions from last night..." threatened the calm yet booming voice of the Nine tails fox. In all honesty, the mass of chakra enjoyed his time talking to his container, it was a much better alternative to doing nothing all day.

"First off, could you find anything about that weird thing that happened on the mission in grass country?" asked Naruto, who had been racking his brain for the last six months after the event.

"I have nothing solid, though I do have a hunch, your mother was a full blooded Uzumaki, correct?" asked the fox.

"From what I could tell, and my dad was the grandson of your first prisons brother in law. What do you think?" asked the hyperactive blonde

"It's only a rumor, almost a myth, but a long time ago, there was a family that combined the blood of the Senju and the Uchiha" stated the fox

"Yea, the Uzumaki, you already told me this" stated Naruto with a sweat drop.

"Just making sure you remember. Anyways, it was said that certain members of the family had a strange power that seemed to come from almost nowhere. The only evidence that it even really existed was that the eyes of the person would change slightly." informed kyuubi

"Define slightly. Is it like the sharingan? That wouldn't explain everything else... Got anything else?" asked Naruto

"Not at the moment, give me some time to look through my memories, I'm sure there has to be something there that fits everything. What was your other question?" asked the fox

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