Chapter 29: Blindsided!

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Naruto tossed and turned in his bed as nightmares plagued his dreams. Slight whimpers were heard from his throat as he seemed to physically struggle against himself before he began shaking.

"Naruto! Naruto!" Naruto shot awake to find Yugito hugging him and lightly shaking him. "It's ok, I'm here for you Naruto, it was just a bad dream, it's ok..."

While Yugito was comforting Naruto, Naruto rethought his dream...

-Flashback to dream-

Naruto looked around in horror, surrounding the village were dozens mammoth salamanders, each leveling the trees and wildlife around the village with bursts of fire, Naruto attempted to stop them, but he kept getting blown back by an invisible force. Suddenly, screams erupted from the village, he saw seven men killing civilians and shinobi alike, demanding to know where he was.

He saw a shadowy figure with purple eyes, black ripples emulating from the pupil, he heard a final sentence from the man. "With your death, the world shall know pain, and through pain, we will gain piece."

-End of dream-

"Naruto-kun... What's wrong? Was it a bad dream?" questioned Yugito, the blanket forgotten as she hugged him close.

Suddenly, Azumi came flying into the room, jumped on the bed and hugged Yugito "Naruto Nii! I had a bad dream! Can I sit with you for a while?"

"What was your dream about Azumi?" questioned Naruto kindly and calmly, despite the fact he was still jittery 'Maybe this will help me take my mind off of that nightmare.'

"I was training with Yugito-nee-chan and mister turtle when the forest around the village started on fire! I saw you leave to go put the fire out, but then a masked guy, a guy with silver hair, a tall blue guy and a masked guy came and fought me and Yugito, but they were two strong and they overpowered us, even when I used mister turtles chakra..." stated Azumi as he shivered against Yugito.

Naruto has an incomprehensible look on his face as he heard the dream his adoptive little brother had, his mind Racing as he compared it to his own dream.

"It's ok Azumi, you can sleep in our bed tonight. Yugito-Hime, I need your help with something..." mumbled out Naruto as he got up from the bed, letting Azumi rest as he and Yugito got up from the bed. "Yugito, if Akatsuki invades, I want you to take the kids and lock yourself in the bunker."

"What? What's going on Naruto-kun?" questioned Yugito, her eyes widening as she leaned into him.

"When the old man was young, he had a vision that my great grandfather would be killed by Kumo Nin. Two days later, the kinkaku force pinned down his squadron and he sacrificed himself to save everyone else." stated Naruto, remembering what sarutobi had told him.

"I know, my grandfather was part of that force, he said that Tobirama sama killed fifteen of them before the Sandaime ran him through with his lightning spear, it was the reason he was elected." replied Yugito, channeling an almost forgotten memory of her father.

"The problem is, I don't think that was a dream... I think it was a vision..." stated Naruto, getting a gasp from his Jinchuuriki girlfriend. "I need to go talk with Jiraiya and Tsunade. Can you help Azumi get to sleep?"

-10 minutes later, Jiraiya's home-

"Pervy sage, I need to talk to you." Naruto called from the door of the former Namikaze guest house, which Jiraiya was currently occupying with tsunade.

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