Chapter 1: Contemplation

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I looked out upon the moonlit village rolling out in front of me. This would be my new home. My blank, staring eyes panned across the vast expanse of buildings and they eventually led up to the mountain face, carved with delicate hands, the faces of the many generations of Hokages sat in silent vigil over the sleeping village. I had been told that I was born in this village but I had no memories of it whatsoever. I had no memories of anything, just my name and my skills. Bits and pieces always bounced around in my mind but none of it made any sense. A numb feeling enveloped my emotions and they froze over. I was young, only twelve but my mental and physical capacity was well over the limits of a normal twelve year old. A piercing ache shot through my forehead, my temple throbbing like a writhing snake. Everytime I tried to remember, this would happen. I just didn't understand how I came to have my abilities. Another jolt threw my mind into chaos, I decided not to dwell upon it. By day, the new Academy graduates would have been picked into teams. I would show up later on in the day to pick a stronger team but my top priority now was to announce my arrival and residence in Konoha until I knew what I was doing. I gripped a worn piece of paper splattered with blood tightly in my hand. It read:


If you are reading this note, your father and I are probably dead. Once you know that 'they' have left, leave our home immediately to seek out Konoha, the Hidden Leaf Village. You will continue your life there. I have established communications with the Hokage there and you will have a residence prepared for you. Remember that your parents will always love you no matter where you are.

Take care, my beautiful daughter.

Mom & Dad

The note was the last thing that I had of my parents. A fat tear rolled down my cheek and smudged the writing on the paper. It had been forcefully shoved into my hand as my parents hid me in the closet and battled the intruders that bloody night. I wiped the tear trail away and marched on towards the village, dashing through the empty streets. As I turned the last corner into the Hokage's business quarters, I saw a tall boy of my age sitting by the water, glancing out into the still lake.

He looks so lonely... just like me, I thought sadly and quickly resumed my journey.

"Tomorrow, you can join a team of your choice that are fresh from the Academy, they are all your age, so you should fit in just fine," the old man said with confidence.

I nodded obediently, "Yes, Lord Hokage. I was also concerned with where my residence was set up," I added hastily.

"Oh yes, I forgot about that. You will have to wait until tomorrow for your official residence, you can stay in our hotel for now, I will look after the expenses tomorrow as well," he smiled warmly and dismissed me.

I breathed in the cold night air, savouring the sweet scent of healthy trees and an unpolluted lake. I took my time as I sought out the hotel that was supposed to be on the other side of town, getting to know my surroundings. One of my abilities was impossibly good memory, almost photographic. I could memorize almost anything with just one look over. Soon enough, the sun's arrival had been betrayed by the light sound of bird song in the air. I felt no fatigue but I was not ready to meet anyone yet so I quickly shuttered myself in my hotel room to wait out the Academy ceremony. Breathing hard, I tried to get some sleep before I had to wake up but sleep did not come easily. My dreams were haunted by nightmares filled with blood and horrible screaming. Maniacal laughter wafted in and out of it, weaving a tight course into my mind, burning the dramatic images into my memories. I awoke with a trail of tears on my face and a soaked pillow. I guessed that I was probably going to get insomnia if this kept on happening. The incident had been a few years ago but I had gotten lost so many times on the way to finding this little village. It took me five years to finally reach this place but I still hadn't gotten over my status as an orphan.

Tomorrow will be a new day, I thought confidently, I will begin my history starting from tomorrow!

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