Chapter 46: Not Enough

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I gripped Liz's hand tightly as I watched everyone line up to give the Third Hokage their flowers. She squeezed back, comforting me. It was two days since our encounter with the Shukaku and we had come home to hear of the death of the Third.

We'll get you back one day, Orochimaru, I vowed to the crying heavens.

A few days after that Sasuke and I were supposed to meet Kakashi for some training and I decided to bring Liz along.

"He teaches some great stuff," I was telling Liz about how it worked out last time.

A sudden unsettling feeling hit us in the stomach, "Liz, what is that?!" I asked, clutching at my abdomen.

Cold sweat beaded along her forehead, "I think it's him," she panted.

Sasuke kept walking towards Kakashi who was standing outside a tea shop, "Kakashi, it's very different of you to arrive first," Sasuke noted.

"Well, for some occasions," Kakashi shrugged.

As suddenly as it started, the feeling went away, I gave Liz a puzzled look. She shrugged and straightened up.

"I was going to buy some sweets but..." Sasuke trailed off, eying the empty table behind Kakashi.

The tea cups were still warm. Kurenai and Asuma suddenly disappeared.

"Everyone's so hasty today, I wonder if something's going on," I whispered to Liz.

She nodded thoughtfully, "That feeling was really weird, could it have really been him?" she asked, doubting her theories.

I shook my head, "I don't know," I looked around but I didn't see anyone suspicious.

"Sorry guys, but we can't train today, I just remembered that I have to go do something," Kakashi apologized and disappeared in a wisp of smoke.

"What now?" Liz asked.

"No idea," I answered, standing there idly.

"Well, I'm going home then," Sasuke decided and walked away.

"And, um, me too," Liz blushed and rushed away.

"And what am I supposed to do?" I said out loud to myself.

"Hey, Vira, you know Naruto left, right?" Liz ran up to me leaving Shikamaru in her dust.

"Left? Where?" I asked, it was late afternoon.

"I heard that he was going to find the candidate for the Fifth Hokage," Liz informed.

"By himself?" I asked, ready to take after him.

"No, no. Someone said that there was some white-haired, old dude with him," Liz said this as if it were no big deal.

"An old man? How can he be safe with an old man? You know how he gets into trouble all the time!" I started backing away, ready to turn tail and give chase.

"Kakashi-Sensei is in bed, Sharingan over-use but he told me that Naruto would be fine, I was just going to come and ask you if you wanted to visit with me," she reached for my hand.

"O-okay," I joined my hand with hers and followed her as she told Shikamaru that she'd meet him at the tea shop.

Why were things happening at such a fast pace? First the Hokage's death, then that feeling, training, no training, Naruto's departure and now Kakashi's down?! What's happening?, I thought as we turned a corner into Kakashi's street.

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