Chapter 37: A Sword of Chakra

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"Hey! Elvira! What are you doing with her!" I heard someone shout.

I grunted in pain as something scraped along my wound.

"My god, Elvira, what have you been doing? What did you do to her!" the voice screamed again.

"She is wounded, you must tend to her immediately," a low voice replied calmly.

The aggravated voice sounded again, "Tell me what you did to her!" the male voice demanded.

I heard the swish of sand and the sound of someone choking, "N... no! S-stop, b... both of you," I said weakly as I identified the angrier voice to be Sasuke's and the calmer one to be Gaara's.

My hands brushed the surface beneath me and I identified it to be the ground, I slowly pushed myself up to a sitting position. Gaara's arm came down to support my back when I winced as my hand brushed my wound.

"Thanks," I smiled painfully at him and began to form seals sluggishly, I then pressed my hand to the wound and relief washed over me.

Sasuke bent down next to me too, "What happened?" he asked worriedly.

"I was just enjoying some fresh air... Dosu came... he's dead now," I said slowly.

"You killed him?" he said, looking into my face intensely.

I shook my head as Gaara replied, "I did."

"What did he want?" Sasuke asked again.

"My death," Gaara answered again.

Sasuke looked at him and nodded, "That's one less opponent," he shrugged.

I coughed weakly and both boys helped me up to my feet at the exact same time, "Let's go home," Sasuke said, taking on my full weight.

We started to walk away but I looked back to see Gaara standing still against the night wind, "Thank you, Gaara," I whispered back and gave him a warm smile.

Even in the dim lighting I could have sworn that I saw a light blush colour his cheeks. He disappeared in a small whirlwind of leaves.

"Elvira..." Sasuke started.

I frowned, he was probably going to bring up what happened this afternoon.

Instead he surprised me with something else, "Don't run away like that anymore... it... worries me," he said, turning red.

I smiled, "Okay. I'm sorry, Sasuke," I replied.

I awoke to the bright beam of sunlight streaming into my face. I got up immediately and slipped in the washroom first to change and wash. By the time that I had exited, Sasuke was waiting, sprawled on the bed, probably asleep again.

"Sasuke, get up," I said, shaking him, "We have training."

He grumbled drowsily but got up anyways and stumbled into the washroom. I wondered if he was going to be okay in there.

Is he like this every morning?, I thought, my eyebrow perking up higher than the other.

I set about strapping my ninja tools and broadsword on and began to set up breakfast. By the time Sasuke had come out of the bathroom, refreshed, I was already done eating and was waiting by the door.

"You're breakfast is getting cold," I jerked my head towards his toast.

"Thanks," he said tiredly and dropped into the seat.

He commenced eating slowly, chewing each bite carefully.

He blushed as he noticed me staring at him, "What? Do I have something on my face?" he asked, amused.

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