Chapter 67: Tension Crackles

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"You know you don't have to be here," Sasuke said without looking at me.

He was looking out the window blankly, he had been like that ever since we returned from our last mission involving Idate and emitted him into the hospital. I was leaning against the wall beside the window, my arms crossed in front of my chest.

"I know... but I choose to. I know you always get bored and restless in here so I stayed to keep you company. I'd get bored too if it were me," I replied smoothly, looking down at my feet.

He heaved a breath but stayed silent. Just then, Sakura reentered with a vase holding a healthy, blooming rose. She set it on the bedside table.

"I'm glad your injuries aren't serious, Sasuke-kun," Sakura said with a light smile on her face, "Naruto seemed relieved too," she added as she sat down on the stool.

I looked at Sasuke's expression. He was no longer looking out the window. His head was hung and he was looking down at his sheets, his hands out in front of him. At first, his eyes were dull but the second Sakura mentioned Naruto's name, his old anger that I saw on the ship that returned us to Konoha came back. I could feel his emotions pouring off of his body like heat, he was angry, bitter and, more obviously, jealous. I was surprised at how Sakura didn't seem to notice.

"Sasuke-kun, are you hungry?" she piped up, "Is there something you want to eat? I'll go buy it if you want," she offered.

But Sakura's words seemed to go unheard. To Sasuke, she was a distant thought. Right now, nobody was on his mind except for Naruto and his anger towards him. Liz suddenly burst in the door.

"Vira! Oh, sorry Sasuke, I need to borrow her for a few moments," Liz said, pointing to me.

"What is it?" I asked, tilting my head in curiosity.

"Tsunade-sama wants to see us," Liz said with a straight face.

I nodded my head once and left with Liz, casting one glance over my shoulder at Sasuke before closing the door behind me.

"Do you know what it's about?" I asked as we sprinted towards the Hokage's office.

"Not too clear on it but I think it has something to do with us being Chuunins. Shikamaru is supposed to go too," Liz noted.

We ran up the stairs two by two and controlled our breathing before we walked in.

"Ah, we're all here then," Tsunade said with a smile.

"Is there a problem?" I queried.

"No! No! Not at all!" Tsunade said boisterously.

"Then...?" I was keen to find out what we were here for, I wanted to go back to the hospital and keep an eye on Sasuke.

Shikamaru was already standing dutifully in front of Tsunade's desk.

"Since you guys are Chuunins, I thought it would be appropriate to distribute your flak jackets now," she smiled, "We never got a chance to before. Now I assume you two will be a small..." she looked into a box as she addressed us.

"Um, Lady Tsunade?" I called timidly.


"Is... is it mandatory to wear a flak jacket?" I asked.

Liz gazed at me curiously with a cocked eyebrow.

"Uh, I guess you don't have to but it is a symbol of your ninja rank," Tsunade said, the same questioning look on her face.

I smiled, "I was just wondering."

"Okay, well, here you go," she handed a flak jacket to me and Liz and dove back into the box to search for one for Shikamaru.

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