Chapter 53: The Beast Era (Part 1)

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"Let's all pitch in some money to buy Kakashi-Sensei an alarm clock," Liz suggested as she circled the stumps in the training field.

"Agreed," Sakura huffed, plucking a flower mindlessly.

"Ah! Hello, everyone! I lost my forehead protector today!" Kakashi was suddenly perched on the middle stump of the three.

"So just get on with it. What's the important message that you had to give us?" Liz urged.

Kakashi held out five pieces of paper to us, "I've recommended you five to participate in a contest with six other teams. If you, as a team, would like to participate, then please fill out the personal information sheet and contract and hand it in to the Fifth by tomorrow," he smiled, "You will be given the chance to try out the newest technology mankind has ever made."

"Cool!" Naruto bounced up and down excitedly.

"Everything has a price," Liz crossed her arms in front of her chest, "Now, what's the catch?"

Kakashi scratched his head, "Well, I don't really know myself but... let's just say that it's going to be similar to the Chuunin Exam," Kakashi winked and disappeared.

"If he thinks that just disappearing like that is mysterious, well sorry but, it's not," Liz rolled her eyes.

"Another Chuunin Exam?" I looked at the sheets carefully, "More like just the second test. It only states that this is a survival contest."

Naruto sighed loudly, "Phew, I'm not good at paper tests."

"I'm so glad that you guys decided to come!" Tsunade beamed as we each handed in our forms.

"Apparently, there is a chance that we will die in this contest, could you please expand on it?" I stared at Tsunade's light brown eyes, my expression steely.

Tsunade flipped open my form and saw that I had not yet signed the contract, "Sharp, as always, I suspect Liz hasn't signed it either," she confirmed her suspicion by opening Liz's package of papers, she clasped her hands in front of her, "I assume Kakashi has already told you that it involved some new technology?" she asked, "... Only."

We all nodded, smiling. Everyone knew how thorough Kakashi was.

Tsunade stood up and took a long breath, "Our military and our scientists have joined together to create a new machine. It might just be the ultimate weapon... of the world," she turned to face us dramatically.

"And this machine is...?" Sakura queried.

"It is a machine... that allows you to travel in time," Tsunade said, her face serious.

I felt my eyes widen, "That's impossible!" I exclaimed, "Have you tested this device yet?"

"We have. Setting in the right time coordinates and portal points, we can send anyone, anywhere at anytime," Tsunade confirmed.

I shook my head, my head spinning with questions, "This is... completely illogical! Did the man come back successfully?" I asked Tsunade, concerned.

"He did. We sent him back to the time of the Third Shinobi World War. He was just a scout though, when you guys are participating in the contest, you will be asked to accomplish a task. I will expand on that a little later."

"And is this the reason why we might die during this contest? That we might not be able to survive that time?" Liz suggested.

"Correct," Tsunade dipped her head.

"And you're sure that this machine won't malfunction while this contest is going on?" I interrogated.

"Guaranteed," Tsunade said, now a bit impatient.

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