Chapter 34: Pieces and Pawns

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Everyone held their breaths as the scoreboard slowly flickered to a stop.

Uchiha Sasuke VS. Akado Yoroi

All in one moment, everyone released their pent up breaths.

"Finally," muttered Sasuke.

"Are you ready for this?" I asked as he got to his feet.

"Are you kidding me? I'm gonna make you and Liz look like softies!" he bragged.

I stared at him intensely, "Okay, okay, I won't kill anyone," he held up his hands.

Kakashi walked up to Sasuke and whispered something in his ear. The only discernible word was 'Sharingan'.

What are they up to?, I wondered.

"Now, these two entrants come down," Hayate signaled.

"Just go, they're waiting," I ushered and pushed Sasuke off of the railing.

He did a mid-air flip and landed neatly on his feet. He looked up at me with an arced eyebrow but then turned around to meet Yoroi in the middle of the arena. I recognized Yoroi to be the one of the people on Kabuto's team. His eyes were all black and comically round. A black mask covered his nose and mouth. There was nothing very outstanding about him but his eyes gave you a cold, dark feeling.

"The participants in the third fight are Uchiha Sasuke and Akado Yoroi. Are you ready?" Hayate looked at the both of them

They both dipped their heads once. I watched listlessly until I noticed Sasuke's arm twitching.

It's the mark again. This can't be good, what if he goes crazy again?, I fretted to myself.

I noticed that Sakura was looking down anxiously. She was probably worrying about Sasuke's mark as well.

"Um, now, please begin," Hayate motioned for them to go.

"Are you ready?" Yoroi rumbled in his gruff voice.

"Yeah," he replied, a confident smirk was smeared across his face.

Yoroi's hand was enveloped in a visible aura of chakra. He reached into his shuriken holster and pulled out three of them and commenced the battle. He threw them at Sasuke who had pulled out his own kunai. With a mighty grunt, he returned them.

That looks similar to the technique I use for my whip, I noted, I also recalled doing that very often using my broadsword, This kid learns fast, a hint of a smile pulled at the corners of my lips.

But my smile vanished quickly, Sasuke lost his footing and collapsed on his side, clutching at his neck but Yoroi had disappeared. The shurikens had just embedded themselves in the wall opposite Sasuke. Yoroi appeared above Sasuke, his fist aimed right at his head. He rolled out of the way just in time as Yoroi's fist created a shallow crater in the ground. Sasuke's kunai dug into the ground and Sasuke kicked Yoroi's arms and caused him to fall. With a quick flip, Sasuke had Yoroi on the ground, trapped in a leg lock. Sasuke held fast to one of Yoroi's hands while his leg trapped Yoroi's head to the ground.

"Yes!" Naruto cried happily.

"No, this isn't good," I disagreed as Yoroi's hand flipped and latched onto Sasuke.

I could feel a major drain of chakra in Sasuke, What's going on?, I pondered as I watched desperately.

His strength wavered and Yoroi's arm broke free of Sasuke's grip. His arm came back down on Sasuke and caused a mist of blood to spurt out of Sasuke's mouth. I gripped the railing and twisted the hard metal. I looked down to see that I had deformed the straight beam of steel. My anxiety was showing through my usual perfect armour.

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