Chapter 4: Team Tension

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Once we got to the training grounds, I immediately commenced reviewing all of my special training, I began with all of my warm-ups while I watched Sasuke and Naruto set about training. Naruto was going at a wooden dummy and Sasuke took up another one across the field. As they continued, their moves began increasing in difficulty. Their taijutsu moves were good for fresh graduates.

"Ha! Sasuke, you're getting rusty!" exclaimed Naruto between punches.

"Hmph! Open your eyes, idiot!" Sasuke increased the speed of his attacks, pummeling the poor dummy.

Naruto stepped up his game too and added frequent kicks as well, dodging imaginary blows from his opponent. I watched in amusement as each of them shattered the dummies heads at the same time. I had only moved on to my third warm-up as the two boys tackled each other. They wrestled on the ground, each trying to get the upper hand.

"Give up, Naruto! I'm stronger than you'll ever be!" shouted Sasuke as Naruto struggled underneath him.

"If I want to become Hokage one day, then I can't give up! Ever!" with that he threw Sasuke off of him.

My eyes widened as a powerful surge of chakra surrounded Naruto as he stood up, "Shadow Clone Jutsu!" he formed all the signs with in a second and three solid clones appeared beside him.

They charged Sasuke all at once. Sasuke smiled and shouted, "Fireball Jutsu!"

I realized that Naruto was in danger, a day old graduate shouldn't be able to perform this jutsu yet. I reacted with lightning fast reflexes. With three poofs of air, the shadow clones disappeared.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?!" shouted Sasuke as the flames dispersed.

I stood in the middle of the inferno with Naruto bound tightly in my arms. My own body jutsu had prevented my skin from getting burnt.

"That was a dangerous jutsu you just used. I don't doubt that you are from the Uchiha clan but you should understand that it is wrong to put your teammate's life at risk just for some stupid mock battle," I released the shaken Naruto and stood up to face Sasuke.

We were the same height and we came face to face as he dared to challenge me, "Then why don't you fight for your little friend there, hm?"

"Obliged," I pulled on my gloves, "Weapons?" I asked.

"No, hand to hand, jutsu to jutsu," he replied, smirking.

He was apparently very confident in his abilities. I unbuckled the broadsword from my waist which earned a stare from both boys.

"Why do you carry a broadsword, Elvira?" Naruto asked innocently.

"It is common in my home..." I was overtaken by a shock of pain, I shook my head trying to shake it off but Sasuke took advantage of my distraction and leaped.

Even though he had gained the advantage of surprise, I was able to leap out of the way thanks to the rigorous training that I had received since... another wave of pain. I threw the thought away and concentrated on the battle. I let him attack me first and I resolved to dodging and studying his offensive pattern. After a while, I could see that he was beginning to struggle for breath and he was worn out. I decided to end this. I bunched up the muscles in my legs and jumped over him, using his shoulder to propel me higher. I landed behind him and grabbed his arms roughly. I twirled him around to face me and held his hands up in a vice-like grip. With my knee, I forced him down into the dirt and sat on top of him so that his legs were pinned to the ground and it was hard for him to breathe. His hands were pinned up above his head and my face was inches from his, pressing my weight onto his body. He coughed but could not suck in more air, my knee was pushing down on his rib cage.

I leaned down and whispered into his ear, "If I ever catch you picking on our teammates again, I'll make sure personally that you'll have a few broken bones," I let him up after that.

He sat up and sucked in oxygen greedily, a glare taking permanent residence in his eyes.

"Yeah! Go, Elvira! I'll treat you to a bowl of ramen at Ichiraku's!" shouted Naruto happily.

I dusted off my hands and picked up my broadsword and strapped it back around my waist. I cast one last glance backwards to see Sasuke standing there, trembling with rage.

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