Chapter 73: A Thread of Hope and Some Interference

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What Tsunade had warned me about was true. The farther we got away from Choji, the more effort it took to fuel him energy.

I don't care. I can't let them die, I thought and I felt Liz latch onto my hand, a burst of energy followed.

I looked at her and she had a solemn expression painted on her face, "We can face it together," she whispered.

I nodded, grateful for her undying support. Akamaru let out a bark.

"They're close," Kiba announced and my heartbeat increased in speed, adrenaline pumping madly though my veins.

Neji used his Byakugan to get the details, "That's strange," he noted calmly, "I haven't seen a single trap. Shikamaru, what do you think of this?" he asked.

"They're underestimating us," Shikamaru stated, not even a hint of doubt existed in his voice, "The only person they think is catching up to him is that big guy. They wouldn't set traps for their own comrade," he explained.

"What? Taking us lightly, huh?" Naruto growled.

"I think you're right," Neji acknowledged, "Indeed, we've been completely underestimated," Neji nodded.

"Good," Liz said, a fierce expression on her face, "This will be our chance to strike."

"Yeah," Shikamaru gritted his teeth, "We'll take them by surprise."

Our plan was already unfolding. The Sound Four... or Three, now, were already in sight. Liz and I traveled at the same pace as the Sound Nins. Shikamaru had taken on the form of Jiroubo and was heading our way, at a slightly slower pace.

"Jiroubo is late," I heard Sakon say, looking behind him.

Kidoumaru who was holding the barrel and was at the rear of the formation answered, "No, he's here," he smirked.

Just then, Shikamaru in the form of Jiroubo rose out of the foliage beneath and behind them, catching up in a few strides.

"Sheesh, what took you so long?" Sakon chided.

"Sorry," he answered in a deep monotone, "It took time to suck up the chakra of those pieces of trash."

Tayuya cursed violently, "You fatty. Don't waste time," she spat, "Hurry up and carry the barrel. That's your job, you piece of crap," she actually hawked out some phlegm this time.

"Sure," Jiroubo or Shikamaru answered dully.

There was an uncomfortable silence and I realized that something had slipped. They had seen through it... or did they?

"What's with you, Jiroubo? You're too obedient today," Sakon tested, his eyes narrowed to mere slits.

"What do you mean?" Shikamaru replied, trying to act genuinely curious.

The Sound Four stopped suddenly and Kidoumaru turned around to face Shikamaru, "I can't hand over the barrel to you... since you're not Jiroubo!" he threw the barrel to Tayuya who caught it with expecting hands.

Kidoumaru chuckled as Shikamaru pulled out a kunai still in the form of Jiroubo.

"Let me handle this!" Kidoumaru smiled like a boy with a new toy, "Sakon, Tayuya, you guys go on ahead," Kidoumaru waved.

The other two Sound Nin left without a word. I was tempted to follow after them but I knew I had to take this step by step or we would end up killing someone. Shikamaru jumped at Kidoumaru, his kunai stopping just inches above his head, stopped by two of his six arms.

"Jiroubo always warns Tayuya about her foul mouth," Kidoumaru hinted and started chewing on something.

Shikamaru released the Transformation Jutsu, "Heh, I see," and he fired a kick at Kidoumaru who blocked it with two more arms.

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