Chapter 11: I Won't Let My Comrades Die

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"Over there!" alerted Naruto.

"And on top of the water!" exclaimed Sakura.

Zabuza had one arm upraised and his hand forming a seal, his other hand in front of where his lips would be and forming the same seal. Kakashi turned just in time to hear him pronounce his jutsu.

"Ninja Technique: Hidden Mist Jutsu," he murmured and slowly, the mist carried his words and his silhouette away.

"He's gone!" panicked Sakura.

"He'll come after me first. Momochi Zabuza, as a member of the Hidden Mist, he was known as an expert in silent killing," Kakashi reflected darkly.

Naruto shivered and Kakashi continued, "You don't even notice until you're already dead. It's not like I can use the Sharingan perfectly, so you guys have to be careful," he warned, his eyes flickering from one place to the next.

Everyone stood as still as a statue as the mist continued to grow thicker, "The mist is getting thicker!" Naruto pointed out, always announcing the obvious.

A faraway voice drifted out of the mist, "Eight choices," it hissed.

"What?" Sakura jumped, it sounded so close, but so far at the same time.

"Liver, lungs, spine, clavicle vein, neck vein, brain, kidneys, heart. Which one should I go after?" the voice rasped with a mocking edge.

A slight breeze rocked us and suddenly I was frozen in place. Kakashi reacted quickly and murmured something quietly. I felt paralyzed with fear, I've never felt so scared in my life! Liz was struggling next to me and she was finally able to release herself with a soft murmur.

"You can do it, Vira!" she encouraged, forcing a pained smile.

I closed my eyes and reached for my energy and murmured the counter jutsu. Suddenly the foreboding feeling lifted off of my shoulders, I gasped as a reaction and thanked Liz. I looked back at the other three and Tazuna. Sasuke was frozen and sweating, his Adam's apple betrayed a nervous gulp.

"Sasuke," called Kakashi and Sasuke's head snapped up, "Don't worry, I'll protect you guys even if it kills me," he turned his head slightly and smiled at all of us, "I won't let my comrades die."

Sasuke blushed along with Naruto and Sakura, I nodded, "We've got your back, Kakashi-Sensei!" I assured.

"We'll see about that," Zabuza's voice emanated out of the mist and suddenly, he was right in front of Tazuna and behind Sasuke and Sakura.

"It's over," he laughed.

Kakashi jumped at him and we followed right after, knocking Tazuna and the others out of the way. He stopped Zabuza before he could do any harm by stabbing a kunai into him, now Tazuna was isolated.

Liquid dripped out of the wound and a second Zabuza appeared behind Kakashi.

"Sensei! Behind you!" screamed Naruto.

I jumped at the second Zabuza with Liz right behind me and slashed at him with my broadsword. His halberd came up to meet my attack and brushed my attack off easily, I grunted and flipped out of the way. Elize shot in with her deadly sharp rapier ready to pierce.

"Girls!" cried Kakashi, surprised.

Liz got distracted and Zabuza took the chance to flip her blade in her hand, twisting her hand. He slammed the flat side of his blade into Liz and sent her flying.

"Liz!" I wailed and caught her before she hit the ground, she coughed as the breath was knocked out of her.

The wounded Zabuza burst into a shower of water droplets and the remaining Zabuza whipped his halberd into the air, bringing it in a clean slice, right through Kakashi.

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