Chapter 2: Apart of the Family

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I slowly made my way to the classroom that was releasing the fresh graduates from the Academy. Before I walked in, I decided to change into someone else to avoid attracting too much attention. I transformed into a teacher that I had seen walking in the school today and walked inside.

"Um... can I help you?" asked a very confused looking teacher.

"No. I'm just watching," I replied casually.

He nodded hesitantly but returned his attention back on the kids, "Okay, as I'm sure you are all very excited..." he droned on and on about truly being a ninja.

I scanned the young faces and took a sucked in air sharply through my teeth as I noticed the boy sitting a few rows down from me. An incredible aura surrounded him, engulfing him in what seemed like an evil chakra. It leaked out of him in tendrils of unrestrained power. I recognized it as not the boy's chakra but something else...inside him? Puzzled, I put the thought away to examine later and continued to look around at my possible teammates. I noticed the boy that I had spotted sitting by himself on the bank of the lake last night. Girls were crowded around him, squealing with pleasure.

I snorted, Flower pickers, they only care about the looks and abilities, not their personalities.

Suddenly the boy with the blond hair jumped up onto the table with his face inches from the black-haired boy's face. I watched with amusement as a student sitting behind the blond pushed him into the black-haired boy. Their lips met in a kiss. The entire class burst  into chaos, girls were tearing at the blond while the boys were on the floor laughing. Not even a hint of a smile had made its way onto my face as I watched the two boys spit and gag. The teacher finally called the students to attention with the odd giggle or snicker. I watched impassively as the Academy graduates were sorted into their teams. I turned my eyes back on the boy with blond hair and orange outfit. It was quite hard to believe that the other students around him couldn't feel the enormous amount of chakra seeping out of him. Then again, I was a specially trained shinobi, I was expected to be able to notice and identify the chakras of my opponents.

"Team Seven will consist of Uzumaki Naruto, Haruno Sakura and Uchiha Sasuke," announced the teacher.

The boy with the impossibly massive chakra got sorted into a team consisting of a pink-haired girl that squealed non-stop and the boy I saw by the lake last night. He had black hair that stood out on the back of his head and a navy blue t-shirt with a wide neck gave him a cold feeling. Each one of them sighed and cheered in turn except for Sasuke, he never showed happiness on his face.

The same thought popped back into my mind, He's just like me, lonely and cold.

The sorting continued until all the graduates had been assigned to their teams and sent to wait for their Senseis.

Team Seven seems to show some more promise than all of the other teams. I could keep an eye on that Naruto boy at the same time, I thought to myself and slowly left the emptying classroom towards the Hokage's quarters.

"So you want to join Team Seven? Hm, curious..." the third Hokage repeated to himself.

I nodded, silently watching his expression.

"Okay, Elvira, I will write a note for you to Team Seven's Sensei, Hatake Kakashi, and from today on, you will officially be apart of the family of Team Seven," he flashed me a warm smile as he scribbled a note and handed it to me.

"Thank you, Lord Hokage," and I left to the meeting place for Team Seven.

I walked out the Hokage's quarters and left for the classroom put aside for the Team Seven meeting place. It was already late afternoon, it would be in my favour to hurry.

I took a deep breath as I stood outside the door to the classroom. I could already hear voices inside. One female and two males, it seemed like the Sensei hadn't arrived yet. Good, that would give me sometime to get used to them. I hadn't really been so close to human civilization since my parents' death. Slowly, I slid the door open.

"Finally, Sensei-" came an excited male voice.

As I stepped in, I was welcomed by the pitter-patter of drool hitting the wooden floorboards, a stunned gape, and lastly, a flinch, followed by a furious frown.

"W-who are you?" asked the boy called Naruto.

"Elvira May, I am officially apart of your squad with the permission of the Hokage," I answered smoothly.

"Y-you d-don't look like you're from around here," Sakura pointed out timidly.

"I'm not. I'm a foreign ninja from..." my sentence was cut off as I collapsed with a spasm of pain that shot through my head as fast as a lightning strike.

"A-are you okay?" Naruto crouched down beside me and stared at me with nervous concern.

"I-I'm fine. Don't ask me any personal questions," I said stiffly.

I picked myself up and regained my composure.

"Shinobi shouldn't show their weaknesses so easily," came a stern voice from across the room, "Are you sure you belong here?"

I identified the voice's owner, Sasuke Uchiha. From what I'd heard from the Hokage, he was the last, living Uchiha.

"Aw, come on, Sasuke, give her a break! She's new to this, just like us, she's probably just scared," Naruto tried to stand up for me which I found peculiar, I mean, why would he help a stranger like me?

"Do not assume the truth of my history," I snapped at Naruto, "And you, Uchiha, watch yourself, I wouldn't go around ranting about other people if I were you," I said sharply and briskly sat down at the back of the classroom.

"Weird person, eh?" Sakura whispered to Naruto, though I could hear everything.

Naruto nodded his head vigorously though his cheeks went red when he looked at me. Sasuke glared at me from his seat at the front of the class.

"Sheesh! When is our Sensei going to arrive?!" complained Naruto as he stomped around angrily.

Suddenly he began to snicker evilly. He picked up a chalk brush and wedged it in between the door and the door frame at the top.

"That's what you get for being late!" he snickered.

"Well, I'm not involved," Sakura said immediately.

"Pft. Like a Jounin is going to fall for such a simple booby trap," Sasuke said impassively.

Right at that moment, a gloved hand pulled the door open and the chalk brush fell right on top of the Sensei's head. He had spiky, pure gray hair that flopped over to one side of his head and a mask that covered his whole face except for one eye, the other was covered with his head band. He was dressed in the complete Jounin uniform signifying his ninja level.

Naruto laughed shamelessly, "You fell for it!"

Sakura became a stuttering wreck, "I'm so sorry, Sensei, I tried to stop him but..."

Sasuke remained mute but he flashed the Sensei a look of doubt. He was clearly unconvinced that he was a real Jounin.

The Sensei looked unperturbed but looks can be deceiving, "Hm, how can I say this? My first impression is...well...I don't like you guys," he added a cheery smile under his mask at the end of his sentence.

I thought that he hadn't noticed me at first but he flicked his gaze over to me at the back of the classroom.

"And you are...?" he said.

"Elvira May," I appeared right in front of him within a few milliseconds, and pulled out the note from the Hokage from my pocket and handed it to him.

The other three graduates stared at me with wide eyes, unable to understand how fast I had moved from one place to another.

The Sensei looked up from the paper, "I see, alright then, welcome to Konoha and I'm glad to have you be apart of Team Seven."

I forced a smile, "Good to be here."

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