Chapter 10: Copy Ninja Kakashi

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We drifted gently through the water, slicing through mist so thick that you could only see a meter past the boat edge.

"This mist sure is thick," commented Sakura, breaking the silence.

Naruto nodded excitedly, "We should see the bridge soon, the Wave Country is at the base of the bridge," announced the oarsman.

We floated on in silence until I made a comment, "I think I see something."

"Yeah, me too!" agreed Liz, squinting.

Suddenly a huge mass loomed out of the mist, just a few meters away from the boat.

"Woah! It's huge!" screamed Naruto happily.

"Hey! Be quiet! Why do you think we're hiding in the mist and not using the engine?" snapped the oarsman harshly.

He continued with a scowl on his face, "We'll be in big trouble it Gatou finds us," he murmured quietly.

We all noticed how Tazuna had flinched. Kakashi had given Tazuna a rather serious glare, as if he were a parent looking at a disappointing child. Fortunately, we had all been present for their conversation earlier.

*Flashback Begins*

"What did you want to talk to me about Tazuna?" Kakashi had asked.

I stood close by so I could hear what they were saying clearly.

"It's about this mission," Tazuna started, "You're right, this job is most likely out of your duties. It turns out that a super dangerous man is after my life."

"Super dangerous man?" questioned Kakashi, his back to me, "Who?"

Tazuna sighed and massaged his temples, "You've probably at least heard his name before."

None of us said anything, "The wealthy shipping magnate, a man named Gatou," he said, looking down.

Kakashi's eyes seemed to have almost popped out of their sockets, "What? Gatou?! From that Gatou Company? He's said to be one of the world's extremely rich people!" noted Kakashi.

Tazuna nodded, "Yes. Officially, he runs a large shipping company but secretly, he sells drugs and other illegal items. He uses ninjas and gang members to take over businesses and countries. He is a very nasty man," he put great emphasis on the word 'countries'.

We all nodded at the same time, understanding.

"It was about a year ago that he set his eyes on the Wave Country. Through money and violence, he quickly took control of the country's shipping industry," he clenched his teeth, "Gatou now has a monopoly on all business traffic in the country. The only thing he has to fear is the completion of the bridge."

Sakura put her hand under a chin thoughtfully, "I see, since you're building the bridge, you're in the way."

Tazuna nodded sadly and Sasuke introduced a new question, "So... those ninjas were hired by Gatou?"

"Most likely, yes," confirmed Tazuna.

Naruto looked at us dumbly, this concept was obviously too hard for him to comprehend.

"But what I don't understand is that if you knew that ninjas could be after you, why would you hide that fact from us when you hired us?" questioned Kakashi.

"It's just that the Wave Country is dirt poor, even the Feudal Lord has no money. And obviously we don't have much money either, not enough for the expensive B-rank mission," he sighed.

Kakashi looked at the man with understanding, "Well, if you quit the mission now, I'm definitely going to get killed but... don't worry about it! If I die, my cute ten year-old grandson will just cry for a few days," he laughed heartily, "Oh yeah! And my daughter will live a sad life hating Leaf Village ninjas forever! But it won't be your fault! No worries!" he ended on a slight shrug.

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