Chapter 28: The Power of the Curse Mark

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The boy that I had met earlier before the first test stood on a branch just a few meters above us with his female teammate at his side, "Some minor Sound Nins bullying these second rate ninjas and declaring victory?" he looked at them with disgust.

Liz coughed, "H-hey! Who are you calling second rate, bastard!" she cried defiantly.

"What?" Dosu looked at them with confusion.

"They keep coming out like cockroaches," Zaku spat.

Lee was lying motionless, beaten.

"You made a mistake. That knocked out freak right there is on our team and you're going to pay for that!" he thundered.

His eyes suddenly widened and the tendons and veins around his eyes, What's happened to his eyes?, I thought as I spluttered blood onto the ground.

"If you are going to go any further, I'm going to go all out..." he had a peculiar expression on his face.

Dosu laughed, "If you don't like it, then stop acting cool and come down here," Dosu challenged.

Lee's teammate hesitated a moment, "... No" he answered bluntly, "It seems that won't be necessary," he said simply.

Sakura turned around to the rustling behind her, "Sasuke! You're awake!" she cried happily.

Everyone turned and gasped, this was a different Sasuke Uchiha. The left side of his body was covered in an inky pattern, similar to the pattern of swirling clouds in old fashioned tapestries. It looked like black fire.

"Elvira, Elize, Sakura... who did that to you guys?" he asked quietly.

He didn't look tired or weak, he looked strong and angry. He stood up confidently and stared his enemies down. His Sharingan shined brightly in his eyes.

"S-sasuke-kun?" Sakura said quietly, he looked and sounded so different.

"Wh-what happened to you? Why do you look like that?" I interrogated urgently.

"Who is it?" he persisted coldly.

"We did it!" Zaku said triumphantly.

"Sasuke-kun... your body," Sakura said slowly.

He looked down at his hand which was covered in those dark black marks, "Don't worry, I feel power overflowing from within me... I feel great," he whispered the last three words contentedly, "He gave it to me... I finally understand it... I am an avenger," Sasuke said, his eyes sparkling.

"What nonsense are you spitting out now, you mega super jerk?" Liz shouted at him, "Dumb butt! Are you just gonna forget everything that everyone did for you, you stupid moron! You idiot!" Liz screamed angrily.

Sasuke looked at her intensely but otherwise ignored her, "Even if I have to eat the devil's fruit, I am on a path where I must gain power," Sasuke said, he sounded as if he were living in some messed up dream.

"Now... it was you guys right?" Sasuke turned his intimidating gaze on the three Sound Nins.

"Ino! This is bad, return to your body before you get caught in this!" Shikamaru cried as he realized the danger that Sasuke was posing, "Come on, Choji, we're hiding!" he cried as he dragged Ino's real body away.

"Release!" Kin cried obediently and Kin fell limp again.

Ino revived into her own body in the bushes where Shikamaru was hiding. Kin got up slowly, groaning from the several new bruises that she had acquired. Sasuke bared his teeth at them, anger seeped out of him and enveloped everyone like toxic fumes.

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