Chapter 19: Closing the Distance

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I heard the click of a door closing and after a few seconds, a soft expanse of something that cushioned my back. Then I felt whatever that was in my hand try and pull away.

I held on tighter, refusing to let go, "No... d... don't leave me..." I mumbled weakly.

I heard a sigh and another struggle from the thing in my hand. I sighed as the soft material finally gave up escape and fell limp in my hands, I pulled it closer and snuggled it. Something warm enveloped me, keeping me warm. The last thing I heard was a nearly inaudible 'good night' before I fell into a deep dreamless slumber.

Bright sunlight filtered into the room as I cracked my eyes open just a bit.

This isn't Naruto's home... where am I?

I got up into a sitting position and took in my surroundings. It wasn't any place I've been to before. The only furniture in the room was a bed and a couch, two other doors adorned the empty walls. One probably led to the washroom while the other to outside. A wide glass window, framed on both sides by plain maroon drapes allowed me to see a wonderful view of the lake. I looked down at the thing gripped in my hand. My knuckles had already turned white from force. A navy blue t-shirt rested in my hands. I held it up to realize that it belonged to Sasuke. I snapped my head around and panned the room to see a bundle of blankets piled on the couch. I stood up to inspect it. As I got closer I noticed a that the blankets were arranged in a way so that it covered whatever that could be inside. I finally saw the raven black hair that spiked out from beneath the covers.

How did I end up in Sasuke's house?, I wondered.

I pulled back the covers back a few inches to reveal Sasuke's peaceful sleeping face. I smiled but then I felt a warm feeling in my cheeks as I realized that he was topless. I quickly put the covers back and turned away, deciding to explore a little bit. I opened the first door and, as I expected, it was the washroom. It was quite luxurious, filled with a marble sink, tub and shower area. I carefully closed the door and continued to explore. I opened the second door, which to my surprise, led into another room, it was the kitchen and dining room. A stove set and counter was set up alongside the far wall, complete with a microwave and fridge.

I turned back to bump into something hard, "Oh! You're up! Sorry about that!" I apologized quickly.

Sasuke was still topless and he was rubbing his eyes sleepily, "Oh, hi," he mumbled.

"Um... wh-what happened?" I asked timidly.

"Oh, yeah, you fell asleep on me after we cleaned up so I took you to my place," he said, still half asleep, "Do you have any idea where my shirt is?" he asked.

"U-um yeah, i-it's on t-the bed," I stammered, looking away.

He smiled as he caught sight of the red tinge that was creeping into my cheeks. What was happening to me?

"Is something bothering you?" he asked in a teasing tone.

I looked up defiantly, "N-no!"

He raised his eyebrow, "Does my being half nakedness irritate you?" he asked, smirking.

"To be quite blunt, yes," I answered harshly and quickly turned around to close the door to the kitchen on him.

I leaned on the door, Ugh! What's wrong with me?, I sighed.

I found another door with a lock on it, I turned it and opened it to find the sun beaming into my face brightly. I left quickly, slipping through the early morning streets and I stopped by the weaponry shop. I picked up a brand new whip. I had remembered that I had been working on my whip wielding skills before I left. I gave my whip an experimental flick and the resounding snap I heard was quite satisfying. I leaped up onto a roof as I saw Sasuke turn the corner. He looked around, no doubt looking for me.

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