Chapter 33: The First Kill

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Kanado Kyosuke VS. Elvira May

I sighed, Right off the bat, huh?

I took the time to take in my surroundings. Directly behind Hayate there was some sort of a statue or carving in the wall of a pair of hands making a seal. The arena was reasonably spacious and stairs near the door we had entered from led up to the viewing balconies. Everybody's eyes were on the two of us.

I pulled on my gloves as Kyosuke started to flap his gums, "Heh, I'll go easy on you, babe, since you're the prettiest thing I've ever seen," he smirked.

I looked around to see Sasuke, Naruto, Sakura, Liz and Kakashi looking at me proudly. Gaara stared at me intently, which made me fidget.

"Getting nervous, babe?" Kyosuke mocked.

I shook my head, "No, not really," I answered calmly.

"Beat his crap right back up his butt, Vira! Do me proud!" Elize screamed.

I grinned at her, "Absolutely."

"How about this, if I win, you have to go out on a date with me?" Kyosuke licked his lips.

"Fair enough, but if I win, what will you do for me?" I crossed my arms in front of my chest.

"Anything you want, sexy," he meowed.

"Can I hold you to your word?" I challenged.

"You can hold me to anything, anytime you want," he stared at me hungrily.

"We'll see about that," I said, pulling my broadsword out from behind me.

He widened his eyes at my blade but then pulled out a kunai.

"The two participants of the first match, Elvira May and Kanado Kyosuke, are you ready?" Hayate asked, he was the only thing between Kyosuke and I.

"Ready as I'll ever be," I replied.

Kyosuke grunted an affirmative.

"Okay, um, will everyone except for the two participants move to the upper level please?" Hayate asked.

Everyone began to file up to the viewing balconies, their attention was fixed upon Kyosuke and I, I'll do you guys proud, I thought determinedly as I gave my sword an experimental twirl.

"Um, then let's begin the first match of the preliminary," Hayate announced rather plainly.

I rushed forwards, my feet skimming the ground quietly. My broadsword was aimed at his stomach, intending to deal lots of damage but not to kill. Kyosuke was refreshed and fast on his feet, he flipped out of the way and appeared behind me. His kunai zoomed towards my back but I disappeared before he could even touch me. I materialized in front of him, facing him, my broadsword at the back of his neck and my kunai at his Adam's apple. He froze and gulped nervously, scraping his Adam's apple on my kunai. He sighed and did something unpredictable.

"At least I will have kissed you before I died," he shrugged and pulled at my waist strap, bringing the distance between my body and his to zero.

Taken by surprise, my kunai was knocked out of my hand and he pushed me over onto the ground. He leaned his head in and I knew I had to act fast. I brought my knee up and underneath his body and kicked up. I felt hot air gush out of his mouth as my kick removed the breath from him. He flew backwards and hit the wall beneath the right balcony. The impact had been so strong that he had created a crater in the wall.

"You aren't worthy of the title of Chuunin, scram back to whichever hole you came from," I snarled as I released several shurikens at him.

They flew with deadly precision towards him. They pinned him to the wall, immobilizing him. I rushed forward and rammed my elbow into his stomach, causing blood to spurt out of his mouth. I stepped back to inspect how much damage I had done and to give him a chance of fighting back.

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