Chapter 61: The Perfect Fake Identity

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The few weeks since my involvement with Danzo, all of our missions had been very mellow and simple. No combat was necessary.

Naruto sighed loudly, "Jeez, I wish we could have a more exciting mission," he pouted angrily.

"We have no choice, Naruto. We don't get to choose the missions," Sakura shrugged.

"For once, I think I agree with Naruto. It's been really, really boring these past few days," Liz breathed, putting her arms behind her head casually.

I nodded along with everyone, agreeing silently.

"Argh! Why can't Kakashi-Sensei be on time more?!" Sakura shrieked angrily, tearing at her hair.

"I'm not bothered by it anymore," I shrugged.

"Yeah, I guess you get used to it after a while," Sasuke concurred.

We relaxed into sitting or leaning positions and watched as the day slowly crawled by.

"Hey guys! Sorry for the wait! I was delivering an injured bird to the aviary!" Kakashi lied smoothly.

"Your lie was not necessary," I said dismissively.

"Right, well then, are we all packed and ready to go?" he put on a cheery smile.

"Yup," Liz looked up at the sun in the sky, "We've been ready for precisely two point five six eight hours," she flashed Kakashi an innocent smile, "You figure that out."

I rolled my eyes playfully and smiled, "Let's go before Kakashi-Sensei wastes two more hours trying to figure that out," I joked and slung my pack over my shoulder, tightening my waist strap at the same time.

"Slow down, Vira, we're in no rush. It's just farm work," Liz said negligently.

"Now, now, a mission's a mission, Liz. We have to take it seriously," Kakashi scolded, "Besides, we have go to the Country of Autumn, which is quite a ways away," he added.

Liz sighed, "Fine," she pouted, "I wish Shikamaru could be on our team," she grumbled.

"Anymore and we'd be a platoon," Kakashi muttered.

Liz and I caught his words with our sharp sense of hearing, "There's nothing wrong with that," Liz mumbled back.

Fourteen hours of nothing but walking eventually got us to our destination.

"A big feast sounds great to me," Liz suggested as a wide expanse of farms around a little village rolled out in front of us.

"A bath would be nice too," I sighed and we continued up the little dirt path towards the village, a new spring in our steps, eager to rest.

Once we had entered the cluster of houses, many women and children and some seniors came out to appraise us curiously.

One little girl was brave enough to voice her questions, "Momma," she tugged on her mother's skirt, "Who are these weird people?" she queried, eying us with interest.

"Sh! Chika! What did mother tell you about being nice?" her mother scolded.

The little girl called Chika looked abashed, "S-sorry," she kicked the dirt path nervously.

I crouched down, "It's okay," I gave her a warm smile, "Chika, right?" I asked.

She nodded her head.

"Can you tell us where your village elder is?" I asked politely, "He asked us to come here."

At first Chika didn't respond. She ran behind her mother and peeked out around her leg, pointing in the direction of the fields.

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