Slave. |Draco Malfoy|

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Warning: Slight Rape and Slavery
Wc: 880
Requested by: JulzLovDracoMalfoy

So people may say I have a weird life, and in all honesty, I do. I am a Gryffindor that is a 'slave' for Draco Malfoy, Slytherin prince. It may be to get at me for being a Gryffindor and out of the whole group, Hermione, Ron, Harry and I, I am most vulnerable. 

He still bullied us and made fun of us but if he needed something, he would text me to go get it for him. The trio was protective over me. Like really protective. Especially Hermione, she was like the sister I never had. 

I would be lying if I said I didn't find him attractive. 

I hated that if I was given the chance to date him I would. But I would. As I sat down, with my phone in my hand I smiled. Harry shot me a smile and I felt relief. Every time I see them now I get scared they found out.

We continued to talk and just then I felt my phone buzz. I lifted it up and saw a text from:

Ferret Boi 

Bring me a water. 

I let out a small sigh and turned to the Slytherin's table which held a blonde hair boy. Dorm. Such a simple request, yet, he couldn't do it. Have I mentioned I have been his slave since 2nd year. Probably punishment for Harry not accepting his handshake. 

I replied with a thumbs up and got up to go to grab a bottle of water, "Y/n, where are you going?" Mione asked me. 

"Just the bathroom," I smiled and headed out of the great hall. I can't tell you how many times I have used that excuse. When I got the water, I was heading towards the dungeons and all of a sudden I was stopped by none other than, Blaise Zabini.

"Hi, darlin," he smirked

"Please don't call me that," I tried smiling but I could tell he could see I was uncomfortable but he wouldn't leave me alone. He just stayed there, talking to me. 

"What not?" he fake pouted. 

"Just don't like it," I shrugged. He slowly walked closer to me and the water had slipped from my hand, only making me more scared. I felt myself begin to shake as I tried backing up slowly. Key word, tried. 

I was pinned to the wall and just like that, everything in my world, came crashing down.

|Draco's Pov|

She was taking a while.

Now, I knew what I was doing but I was only doing it because I wanted to keep her close to me and this seemed to be the only way. I slipped on my shoes and made my way out of my dorm. I know I haven't treated her amazingly but I liked her, and I didn't know how to show it. 

As I made my way down to the great hall I saw 2 figures, against a wall. I didn't think too much of it but once I got closer I saw her h/c and her puffy eyes met mine, silently begging me to help. Her face was covered with her tears and I felt everything around me come to a stop. Blaise. 

I ripped Blaise off of her and within seconds my fist connected with his face, throwing punch after punch. I don't think I would've stopped but out of the corner of my eye, I saw Y/n holding herself sitting on the floor, shaking.

I pulled away from Blaise and went up to her, kneeling down in front of her. "Hi, can I touch you," she nodded softly and I pulled her close to me, shutting my eyes. I felt a tear escape but I was quick to wipe it.

I picked her up, bringing her back to my dorm room. I held her tightly. I can't believe Blaise did this. She held onto me tightly, as if she let go she would be back in that moment, back with that person. I wanted to break down. But I didn't. I couldn't.

I set her gently on my bed and she sat up a bit. "I-I" I already knew where this was going and cut her off before she could finish.

"Don't be sorry. You have nothing to apologize for. I have a lot, on the other hand," she smiled a bit and I could tell she wanted me to hold her, so without thinking I pulled her into my arms and she broke down once again.

She cried for a while into my chest as I held her. I eventually got a shower ready for her and she took one, taking some of my clothes which I have to say she looked amazing in. Once she was done with her shower, I noticed bright red scrub marks. 

My eyes began to water again but I blinked them back. When she sat down she buried her head into my chest again. I hope one day, she'll get what she deserves. 

(Hope you enjoyed this, JulzLovDracoMalfoy ,and it fits what you wanted!)

I want to say that I did not put the slavery thing in here to make fun of it in any way shape or form. It was simply a request.

As for Blaise, it hurt to write him as the bad guy😭 

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