Done, For Now. |JJ Maybank|

945 9 1

Warning: None
Word Count: 592

It was time. I stood at the entrance of the Chateau, holding my suitcases. Today was the day I said goodbye to my best friends and my boyfriend before I went to college. I got into NYU and JJ, my boyfriend, forced me to go.

I didn't want to because I knew that he would want us to go out sperate ways. But he made me, telling me this would be the best thing I could do for him. Not in a rude way but he wanted me to be happy and he knew if I went to NYU, I would be.

Kiara, Sarah, John B, Pope and JJ walked over to me. I had been in my room packing for the trip. I got a scholarship for my writing. My parents paid for the flight since they were Kooks and wanted to get me out of their hair.

"I'm gonna miss you guys," I said with my eyes watering.

"It's gonna be very different without you being here." Sarah said as tears ran freely down her face. I pulled her into a hug and she dug her head into my chest. I knew her for the longest out of everyone and I knew me leaving would be hard on her.

"You can FaceTime me all the time. I may not be able to answer but I'll make time to call you." I whispered with a small sob. She pulled away and wiped her tears, rubbing my shirt with a small chuckle.

"I got mascara on your shirt."

"I don't care, it will remind me of you." She let out a small giggle and backed up next to John B, whose arm wrapped around her waist tightly. I smiled at the couple and looked towards Kiara and Pope.

"I'm gonna miss you Y/n." Kie said with a small chuckle, trying to cover the sadness.

"I know, but since I'm not gonna be here I want you to keep the rest of these nut cases in check for me."

"Of course." She nodded with a slight smile. I pulled her and Pope into a hug.

"We are so very proud of you Y/n," John B said with a smile. I turned to JJ who had been very quiet. When I saw the silent tears that ran down his cheeks my heart stopped. I wrapped my arms around his neck and his slipped around my waist.

His head was buried in my neck and I could feel the tears run down his face. The others smiled a smile of pity and walked out, giving us some space.

"I'm not gonna be gone forever. I'll still come out for breaks and weekends. I'm not gonna leave you forever."

"But what if you find someone better," his head pulled away from my neck and our eyes made eye contact. "I mean the guys there actually have a future. I am staying here because I can't get into a college."

"Baby, I don't care about the guys there. I want you. And I always will want you. I love you."

He smiled but it didn't reach his eyes. We heard the car pull up and someone honk their horn, meaning my parents wanted me to get out there immediately.

"Go get 'em killer," he smiled and gave me a light kiss on the lips. Our arms untangled themselves from each other and my hand hooked on the handle of my suitcases. "I love you. Forever and always."

"Forever and always."

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