Motorcycle. |Mattheo Riddle|

331 8 4

trigger warning: none
word count: 505

Mattheo and the girl were on a ride, two different bikes but a ride. They were listening to music and vibing. Mattheo was behind her, but a car had cut him off and began riding so close it honestly gave him anxiety. Y/n kept looking back, scared if she turned away she'd get hit.

It turned into a passing lane and the driver almost immediately passed, flipping her off as they did so. Mattheo was behind them, furious. He sped up, passing Y/n and getting right next to the car. After a little bit the car had pulled over, an old man getting out of the car. Y/n pulled over, next to her boyfriend's bike and took her helmet off, setting it gently on the seat.

"What the fuck?! You could've run her over with how close you were to her!" The man looked offended, a look of shock on his face. Y/n stood there akwardky when the passenger door opened, revealing a lady. She was older but she got out and tried to stop him, but he ignored her or her voice was too weak. She slipped in between the pair and went to the old lady, smiling kindly.

"Sorry about my boyfriend, he's protective." She looked up at the young girl, smiling.

"Don't apologize dear. My husband is an amazing guy but he's a douche to others." The girls laugh softly as Y/n helps her get back into the passenger seat, making sure she was away in case it got to bad.

"You could've fucking killed her!" Mattheo was yelling, his fists clenching.

"Well I didn't! She's alive!"

"But you were so close you couldn't made one wrong move and fucking killed her!" This was all on the side of the road, causing people who were driving by to look at them weirdly. All Y/n wanted to do now was go home.

"Theo," the girl walked in front of Mattheo and put a hand on his arm. He looked down at her, his eyes softening as he did so. Y/n knew he was just scared at the thought of losing her. "I'm okay."

"I didn't hit her, dumbass." The older man said before getting into his car and driving away. Y/n knew he wanted to follow but he stayed still, watching where their car was originally parked. The shorter girl reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck, bringing him closer to her.

"I'm okay." She whispered against his neck, causing him to only hold her tighter.

"I love you but you're riding on my bike. I'll pick your bike up in the morning. I just don't want you to ride alone right now." She nodded, understanding.

"Okay, love. Before we get back on just breathe and take a few breaths." He nodded, pulling the girl to him once again.


I like the concept of this one but I hate the outcome. I feel like it's so rushed.

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