Mum. |JJ Maybank|

581 7 2

Warning: Mention of Suicide Attempt, Mention of Self Harm
Word Count: 371

When JJs mum came back JJ felt his world be complete. He had his girl and his mum, the only other one who could save him from his father, Bc she did just that. She took him out of where his father lived and let him move in with her.

But things took a turn when JJ had met another girl that was taking up his time, making his girlfriend become insecure and wanting to just leave. But she also wanted to fight. She was torn.

Once she saw the love his eyes held when he looked at her, what Y/n tried so hard to ignore, she finally decided she was just holding him back.

That night broke her like no other, saying goodbye to the boy she thought would be watching her walk down at the isle and be waiting there. She still wasn't recovered after 2 years. She moved away from Outer Banks and went someone new.

Nothing good happened and it began to feel like she was just on a vacation. She went to a really dark place when she left, trying to take her life multiple times and turning to Self Harm. When she finally came back it wasn't for the reason she hoped, it was for JJ's wedding. When she got the invitation she felt her world shatter and she called her best friend, Claire, and sobbed on the phone for hours.

It was already hard enough to see almost the exact replica of what she wanted dher and his wedding to look like. Just not with her. JJs mother came up and stood beside her, turning to her and smiling sadly.

"Everyone knows it should be you up there sweetie." Her eyes widened and she felt tears go to them as she felt her body begin to shake as well. Mum smiled sadly once again and walked away. Y/n couldn't control the tears and headed to the bathroom where she collapsed against the wall.

As people say, she would rather watch him from afar than not be with him at all. And she knew this was the closest shed ever get.

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