I Can Do It With A Broken Heart. |Draco Malfoy|

330 7 4

trigger warning: none
word count: 531
requested by: RaquelleonFire

When you're young, you have millions of dreams.

And when you grow up you can have your heart broken.

But Y/n handled the heat break. She pushed through, putting on a smile for the people who where worried. But she kept saying she was okay, and soon they believed her; expect one boy.

One boy knew everything about her. To the fact she was going through a horrible break up with Adrian Precy. He cheated on her. But Draco Malfoy, could see through the fake smile, the puffy eyes. And he hated he felt the need to protect her.

"Hey, Y/n?" He asked as they were about to leave to go to lunch.

"Oh....hey?" She laughed slightly because she wasn't used to him being nice to her.

"Can we talk?" She nodded and told her friends to go to the Great Hall without her.

"So what's wrong?"

"How would you like to go to the Black Lake this weekend? Just us."

"I mean- sure? But why are you being so nice?"

"A guy can't be nice for once?" He laughs softly, his heart warming at the smile that was on her face.

"You aren't planning on murdering me, right?"

"There was a few ways. I could drown you- obviously I wasn't planning on murdering you." The girl let out a loud laugh and it made the blonde haired boy laugh to. He hadn't seen her laugh like that since the break up.


A few weeks later and the pair had been hanging out so often people already thought they were together. Adrian had gotten so mad that he tried to hit Y/n, but of course Draco saved her. Like he had promised to do.

Draco had gotten the small girl to open up to him within a week. He thought it was a game but she genuinely felt extremely comfortable with him. She felt safe. She felt like she could be herself without problems.

Draco had grown increasingly protective of her and everyone could see it. The protectiveness that went into his eyes anytime a someone said something about Adrian.

But she was moving on.

She didn't want to cry when someone brought him up, she didn't want to cry when someone told her who his new girl of the week was. She felt happy.

She felt like a weight was lifted off her shoulders and she knew it was due to a certain blonde. He introduced her to his friends, telling them she was the new person to the friend group.

He held the girl when she cried. He told her she was more then Adrian ever said she was, that she was more then a cheating bastard. He even got into a fight more then one time with the boy because of something he said to Y/n.

But one thing the girl will remember forever was the time he said, "Love, you had to fake it till you make it and you did."

She was falling in love.


I hope you enjoyed this, RaquelleonFire! I will be making the War of Hearts one as well!

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