Chapter 1 The update

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There is nothing at least that's what you felt absolutely nothing because there was so many things happening all at once you didn't even know where to start.So after that happened nothingness this was the best feeling you could have even though you don't remember why you were feeling like this to begin with with all of these uncontrollable feelings and everything else. As you don't understand what is happening whenever you try to recall everything's completely fuzzy as it was wiped from your entire mind.

But that wasn't the only thing you don't seem to know who you are but you felt like you weren't alone in this situation.So that was some comfort to say the least for you, but you still don't know anything.Soon afterwards, the nothingness felt numb, including the other presence of others as well. Then there was a flash of light.

At least that's what you could tell. So many things happened after that light you felt overwhelmed by unknown emotions as it was hard to tell what was going on as you felt the other consciousness around you began to feel the exact same way you were feeling then nothing. At least, until some strange sensation went through your body. You didn't know how to register it as you began to open your eyes to your new surroundings.

Then you closed your eyes again, being overwhelmed by the bright colours and objects, as you didn't know what exactly was going on. But after a while, you decided to open your eyes because you might as well get used to what you're seeing.So when you did you were still overwhelmed, but you couldn't go back to closing your eyes. You had a feeling that this is better than what you're used to before. But you don't understand why, as you look around your new surroundings, seeing the bright colours, including the colourful shapes.

As well as everything else you can't describe. You know as how big this place is as you decided to look around because you couldn't just stay here you need to figure things out.So you got up as you started to wobble a bit it was almost like you forgotten how to walk then yet again, you've been struggling with this memory issue since you woke up.It is strange, but what's even more stranger as you appearance, you were wearing some kind of clown outfit.

It was strange you didn't know why you were wearing it to begin with as you scratched your hair as it seem to soothe you. As you didn't have time to figure things out after stretching your entire body, you decided to explore this place to figure things out.

(" where am I? Why am I wearing this clown outfit? It feels familiar, almost comforting. In the way. Not to mention my entire appearance seems to be normal well after looking through the mirror, I don't think normal is the best way I could put it, but maybe to me, it is. But why can't I remember anything? That doesn't make any sense so I think exploring around here should help I've been getting the strange feeling of déjà vu. What exactly is this place anyways why can't I remember anything? I don't even remember my name. Hopefully I can get some answers.Things are so confusing for me right now. At least this walk is making me feel better in a way.")

You are still walking as you don't know where you are, but you were grateful that you were able to see the mirror when you were walking your entire physical appearance was interesting to say the least.You are very intrigued that you look like a clown as that would explain your clown outfit but you still are confused as to why this place seemed so familiar. The bright colors, including the shapes in many different sizes, as well as everything else that you cannot described as you have a feeling that there are more things here.

Soon after you continued walking, but being lost in your own thoughts, you bumped into someone as you did not know who you bumped into.But after you look to see who you bumped into you were surprised to see that it was another clown, though the outfit was different from your own. The person you had bumped into was also surprised to see you and is interested in your own outfit as well.

The person is wearing a bright yellow clown outfit with red puffs on the centre of the outfit going up to down including a blue scruff around his neck.As he is also wearing a bright yellow hat with blue on the bottom and red at the top.As you still don't know who he is and neither does he but for some reason he felt relaxed when he saw you same with you. But you don't understand why.So you were surprised when he spoke something about his voice felt familiar. Everything was just so strange as you can't recall anything.

"Hey......there sorry about what happened. I honestly thought I was the only one here whatever this place is. But I'm honestly glad that the someone else here with me. Do you by any chance know what happened because I can't recall anything. Whenever I try to it's a complete blank. I don't even remember my own name."

"I'm in the same situation as you. I don't remember my name or how I got here anything of my past at all it's just a blank. But at least I'm glad I'm not the only one suffering with this. You know the whole amnesia and waking up in an unknown yet somewhat familiar place.So maybe we should stick together to figure out some stuff. Everything is just really confusing right now. I also don't feel comfortable going alone."

" I can agree with you on that."

So you and the stranger stick together and try to figure out where you were as everything just felt so familiar, but you can't recall neither could the stranger.Then a thought hit you there could be others here as well, suffering the same amnesia that you and the stranger seem to be dealing with.So it became clear that you needed to find these others as well so that things can be clear as the strange place is almost like a safe place.

Where you could stay as the individual felt the exact same way as well.Not knowing that out in the real world there was a computer with a virtual reality headset there as the screen had something on it.As it is just a menu, but it was still there. With there being a grassy field, including a circus tent in the background with trees, as it was in the setting of a perfect day with the options for: Play, Settings & Quit.

Before the computer screen turned off completely in a company

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Before the computer screen turned off completely in a company.Without anybody even noticing what that game was as things went by normally there, not knowing that there was something else happening in that game.

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