Chapter 14 Beach vacay

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A few things interested the ringmaster as these newest additions to the troop, have given out some great ideas as he listen to them.Some of these ideas is a vacay it was strange, but then again he has never recalled anytime he has been given a break except for sometimes, but perhaps it's been a while. As he also remember that he used to take his troop out for breaks too, as it has been a while.

So it is clear that perhaps it wouldn't be bad to take some time off. It has been a while since a break, so it wouldn't be bad and what better than at the beach.At the digital lake even though the crew there is a bit absent at the moment.

Surely they wouldn't mind if they would be a little bit of vacation time there.As there is no harm in doing that besides, there's no point of telling the crew when they'll come back but it so wasn't like the crew at all to leave the digital lake empty like this. Even the boat they take such great care of it like digital lake.

So what exactly happened as the ringmaster decided those were answers for another time.So Caine decided that it will be fine to use the digital link for a beach day vacation as the crew doesn't need to know about that after all.Soon after that is time to get everything ready for the beach vacay as everybody is unsure what exactly it's going on but that is going to be relaxing.

So everybody was getting excited for this.As everybody couldn't wait to enjoy some much needed break as you were getting ready for this as it's been some time since having a decent break you are fine with going on these adventures, but be nice to take things easy for a while.

You can't wait to take things easy on the beach as you can't help but notice that Queenie seems a little bit lost for some reason.So you decide to go to see what the problem is about.You are going through the hallway as you notice everybody else getting ready for this break as well but you still wanted to know why Queenie is so distracted lately.

So you need to help her anyway you can.Soon you had made your way towards where the door with the portrait of Queenie's face as you were hoping that this beach day will also help for her to unwind a little bit, because Kaumfo said that she needed a break and he was right about that.

So there is a sound that is coming from the other side of the door that snapped the chess piece out of whatever train of thought is coming in as then there isn't anytime for her as once the door.

To see that it is open you look to see that Queenie seem to be a little bit stressed as it appeared that Kaumfo is right about needing a break like he said earlier.So then you are going to ask some questions to see if everything was fine.

"Hey Queenie is everything fine? You've been zoning out there for a while. You've been worrying me and Kaumfo about that lately."

"Oh! Sorry about that Luca. I'm fine I guess I've just been a little bit distracted lately. I'm not sure why though. Perhaps going to the beach will help me feel better."

As you soon decide to help Queenie with getting everything ready as you are pretty much finished with your things to take to the beach.So you soon had placed some of the items for the beach as it is clear that there is a lot of things to packed in.You soon realize that there are a lot of beach balls here including some sunscreen as well not to mention some other things as well that you can't describe.

But you also realize that there is a lot of of things that are here as you soon came to the realization that Queenie had been prepared with protection from sunburns, including a lot of items to have fun with at the beach. It honestly surprised you how overprepared that she is it honestly surprised you as you were curious as to how is it that Queenie came so prepared for everything.

"Hey Queenie, I can't help but notice you have everything for any situation that will happen at the beach. How are you so prepared for this if anything you're over prepared not trying to be mean or anything."

"Well...... I honestly don't know Luca. It feels familiar like a muscle memory of sorts honestly. It's honestly quite confusing, but I don't mind to do it but I should perhaps pack some fun things to do while I'm at the beach as well."

Soon you then went back to your room and then took out everything you were going to bring to the beach as you then noticed that the hallway was busier than before.As there is a lot of the others that are excited to go to the beach as you were pretty much excited as well.

It is clear that this is going to be a really great beach day so after you got through the entire crowd as you're trying to make your way through the centre of the tent.As it is very difficult, but you finally made your way through the centre of the tent as then there is the sound of voices coming close.

Then there is sounds of footsteps coming from hallway, that you just escaped from then suddenly everybody else came in without any hesitation.You soon realize that there is no way for you to escape from this situation.You are soon going through this crowd trying to make your way towards the front.

Trying to make it through the crowd without losing all of the stuff you had to take to the beach.Soon you are then caught by Queenie and Kaumfo as you are very grateful that you didn't fall onto the floor.As there is a another sound that is coming from somewhere else as then there is a puff of smoke.Soon there is a very familiar voice came through as it caught everybody attention.

"Well isn't this exciting everybody's already to head to the beach. I'm quite surprised at this to say the least but everyone needs a good beach break once in a while."

Soon everybody is then at the beach as that is a very sudden but everybody is soon getting ready for the beach anyways.There is so many things to to do as everything looked beautiful as everyone couldn't wait to go and relax at the beach.Then there is also some items to do including the lake.

It was simply amazing to see.As there is also a boat, including a lighthouse, even a slide there at the lighthouse. It was just incredible to say the least, as everybody couldn't wait to have fun there.Soon everybody went to the beach and started to enjoy themselves.

There is a lot to do and it was difficult to tell which one to do first as there is so many fun things to do as the others wanted to do them well other members of the group just wanted to relax at the beach.As you are one of the members in the group to just relax at the beach as it was quite amazing to see.

Then you notice that Queenie, including Kaufmo is also relaxing as well, just taking in the simple pleasures of the beach.There is the sounds of the beach, and from everybody else, as it was very relaxing to say the least.Then there is a peaceful tranquillity that everybody seem to be having while enjoying the beach.

Even Caine and Ziggy including Bubble, enjoying the beach simply relaxing and taking the view. That was good as things seemed so much more simpler. Now the adventures were fun and all but this felt nice. Relaxing ,soothing honestly, it was nice to take a break.As this is probably the best vacation ever. As sooner later there will be another adventure before right now everybody was just relaxing and enjoying the beach.

[A/N: So there's gonna be a time skip in this where everybody comes back after taking some time off.As Allison noticed that there was something happening in the amazing digital  circus.]

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