Chapter 9 Heartache

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It still feels like a dream, but it would make sense to Kurt because he was in there for very long time so he would make sense why all of this does seem impossible to him.But he's back in reality now, after being trapped in there for so many years, he didn't keep track because well it was kind of impossible in the world of the amazing digital circus. As he still was coming to the grip of reality that he was in there for years, not to mention the original beta testers as well, though he was the only one of the original group that came out fine.

The rest well they were fine physically but for some reason they were in some kind of deep sleep in the hospital right now as he was laying down in his bed. So, for some reason, he doesn't understand why he was the only one from the original group that was fine.

As the others from the original group in some kind of coma at least that's what he was told as they were currently in the hospital again he was told that the bodies were fine, but for some reason they wouldn't wake up. Physically, they were fine so the problem had to be something mental, because that was the only explanation as to why they were in a coma to begin with. But they were trapped there for a long time like he was so it's gonna take the doctors sometime to figure out all the information he got was that the brain waves were very slow for some reason it wasn't causing any damage.

So that was good news, but it still didn't make sense why the brain activity was so slow. It just didn't make any sense to him, but there was nothing he could do now.All that Kurt could do now was wait. Maybe he should visit when he's fully recuperated mentally because right now he was just fried. As again, it made sense because he was in that world for so long with the other members of the original group.

So it would stand to reason why he felt so drained mentally that is as he can't help but wonder why isn't Jaden isn't waking up because he was worried for his wife why isn't she awake like he is? Again, he understood that physically she and the other members of the original group were fine, but for some reason the brain activity was very low it wasn't threatening or anything, so that was good.

But it still wasn't normal behaviour for brain waves to be so low like that as right now his wife and the original group members.Including the ones that still were new members, but haven't woken up like Christopher.It is just a lot for him to process right now.His heart began to do a beating sound that he knows all too well ever since the day that Jaden got abstracted.

Sure he couldn't felt it back when he was in the digital reality but he still recognize what this is.It's heartache as it made sense. It just wasn't fair that he was the only one that got out and his wife and the other members of the original group didn't.

("Why does this keep happening to me? Why is that I turn out fine but Jaden and the other members of the original beta testers don't. How was that fair it's not. After being trapped in there for so long, and finally getting out only for my wife to be in some sort of coma. Honestly, why is it that I keep getting bad luck out of this. But it's still strange, though that I'm out of that place after being trapped in there for so long.I still don't feel that great, however, knowing that Jaden is in some strange coma, including everyone else. But I guess I should be glad that I got out. Maybe the other as well snap out of the coma too. I need to get me something to eat. It's been a while.")

Soon Kurt got out of his bed have to stretching his body since again it's been a long time ever since he was trapped in the amazing digital circus, along with the other members of the original beta tested group.So he basically had to stretch his entire body back into place to make it comfortable again for him since again, he wasn't in his body for a very long time.When he finished making his body more loose again he headed over to get something to eat.

Ever since he returned back to his and Jaden's house it felt so empty without her here.So he didn't look at it so much, but it was so difficult not to mention how his memories from the real world now that he has remembered everything of his past. Including those that he has, when he was trapped in the digital circus, is blending in together.

So it was pretty much hard for him to tell his memories from reality, and from the amazing digital circus, especially since he was in there for so long.Kurt just felt completely confused and lost in the situation, especially when his memories were trying to come together, making it even more difficult.Soon after making himself some ramen noodles as he started to eat them, he was sitting down in the dinner table. The lights were on.

But the house felt so without Jaden. Not to mention the fact that it was covered in dust and cobwebs he had to clean that soon.Kurt is just so confused on what to do now, but after a couple of days of recuperation.

Then he'll go to visit Jaden at the hospital and perhaps read some books to help him unwind for a bit.As he still felt his heart pounding with the same familiar, feeling of heartache as he tried his best to ignore it.

But it was still there pounding very strongly.It is just so much for him right now as he felt himself crying.He can't help, but have these feelings, as it wasn't fair that he was the only one out of the original group that got out, and the others were well not in a great condition as they went to hospital. But it wasn't fair that he was the only one that got out, and the others went to a hospital.

After being diagnosed by a doctor, saying that they were in a coma. As he laid back down in his bed, covering himself up with blankets and pillows, trying to block out the pounding of his heart.But it was just getting louder as he closed his eyes. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day for Kurt.

[TW warnings for the next chapter: Heavy angst. Disorientation kind of.]

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