Chapter 13 The basics of reality

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There is so many things to relearn after everything as it's a very confusing situation that Candace had found herself in.But to be fair after being trapped in a kids game for so long tends to make you forget the basics of reality not to mention the fact that not realizing that you're inside of virtual reality kids game made you feel like an idiot as well.As it made so much sense there is a lot of red flags there that gave away that it was the kids game.

So the fact that she and the others didn't knew that made it so embarrassing including many other emotions that could not be described right now.But that is not the issue right now now the whole issue is getting back into the real world as it has been sometime.So it is clear that there is a lot of things to catch up on as there was a lot to relearn about reality.

Of course, Allison didn't have the most issues considering that she was the recent arrival but everyone else well that was a whole other story.So there is a lot to rediscover about reality luckily, the company gave them all a couple of weeks off until they recovered as they were all grateful for that.

But is the feeling of regret honestly considering how they acted the way they did back in the amazing digital circus.As those memories continue to come back as it was pretty clear. They acted very awful towards those that live there.

As regret continues to return, even more stronger than ever as so many things continue to bring back regret, and any other emotion as well.As now is not the time for that at least for Candice, it wasn't it was time to learn the basics of reality again.So much to learn again about reality as things were familiar, but other things were distant as it is difficult since being back in reality, things happen hard to get reacquainted with.

As apparently nutrition is one of them as it has been so long since eating real food.So when Candace went over and had some actual food to eat the flavour and nutrition kind of her body react in a way that was overwhelming to say the least.So it is clear that Candace had to go on mild foods, at least for a while because it was clear that her body was not readjusted to eating such flavourful foods.

At least for a while anyways.But that wasn't just the only thing it was also experiencing pain as again.As being trapped in that virtual reality game.That apparently for children that you didn't even realize that until when you leave the game for a very long time, tends to numb the pain feeling.

So that is a feeling that needed to be rediscovered as it was difficult to tell if you were an actual pain at least to Candace it was.So it is very hard for her to do some things, but luckily there was some muscle memory so it wasn't a complete loss.As then there is somethings that isn't so far away from memories.

As Candace knew that there was somethings that she hadn't completely forgotten.As there is some familiar things such as clothing including showers and hobbies, and anything else that Candace can recall.

(" It's gonna take me a while to get back in touch with reality. But I'm pretty sure I can figure it out. I've dealt with way worse situations when I was in the amazing digital circus.So that should be easy.......... I hope.")

As there is also a phone that had contacts as it is very familiar for Candace. Some of it might be fuzzy, but some information on the phone looked familiar.As there is a lot of information there so far but there is also the fact that Candace does remember some basic cooking so at least that's some thing that she recalls vividly. Even though the memory was a little bit fuzzy.

But that still didn't stop her for trying to remember things about reality and getting back into the hang of it.Soon after finally figuring out what clothing to wear as to be fair on Candace, after being trapped in the amazing digital circus for so long only wearing the same clothing for a while.

It tends to get a little bit mundane for a while.But there is also clothing that resembled what she wore back at the amazing digital circus but only some not all of it just some clothing.As it is a lot more difficult as now.

Candace needs to figure out what clothing to wear.Because it is a lot to decide on what to wear as there is so many options. It was difficult to even decide.So there is a lot to choose from.But soon after looking around there are some clothing that she found comfortable and put on.

As there was also the fact of brushing teeth, because Candace was basically trapped in the digital world there there's no need to brush teeth as well as any showers as well.So that is another issue so after finding some clothing it became time to get ready for a shower, but it was going to be difficult as there is a lot to rediscover.

So when it became time for a shower. It became clear that there was a lot to do.As it is an issue as on how to work the shower as well looking up how to do that Candace noticed that there is some bath bombs.So that is something that she remembers, as well as thanks to the video jogging back some memories of her of a bath.

As it seems to be the optimal solution as right now after what happened everything was just so stressful.So maybe this will be for the best to have something to relax to while relearning the basics of reality.Soon after that is done with there is a smell of roses as then after waiting for a few minutes Candace finally stepped into the bath as it also has bubbles. That word was very familiar but now it's just a time to relax.

There is a lot of things that needed to be rediscovered as so, many things came back.As there is the fact that apparently sleep as it's been a while since she actually did sleep as again within the digital circus, there was no need for that but now that she was out of there, her body immediately crashed.

Due to the fact that Candace hasn't slept and eaten since being trapped in there for so long.As well, as not experiencing a sensory overload by taste, as well as the other five senses, being trapped in the virtual reality game for children for a long while does numb the senses.So that was an issue say the least the for now is just sometime to relax in this bath. As that's what exactly Candace was going to do before rediscovering everything about reality.

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